Friday, March 14, 2025

Libby students treated to Native American culture presentation

The Western News | May 5, 2023 7:00 AM

Students at Libby Elementary School got a treat last week when Piikani First Nation member Mary Ellen Little Mustache and Hockaday Museum of Art Director of Education Kathy Martin brought their traveling medicine show to town.

Bill Moe, a social studies teacher at the elementary school said he was networking with other teacher at a conference when he found out Hockaday’s show.

“I wanted our kids and staff to have the opportunity to have the show come to Libby,” Moe said in an email.

The show included several pieces of Blackfeet art, clothing, jewelry and tools. The Piikani Nation is one of the three nations of the Blackfoot Confederacy.

“Art can tell us stories,” Martin said. “When we look at a painting and begin to understand what the artist was trying to convey, it provides a look into their world.”

Part of Martin’s presentation was a painting. She held it up for students to see and quizzed them about what they thought they were seeing.

Martin also explained how Native Americans used various minerals and materials from animals to make paint.

When she explained that the color blue originated from duck poop it elicited much laughter.

Little Mustache said she was born in Browning, Montana, and grew up in Alberta.

“My Nation was the last to sign the (Blackfoot Peace) Treaty in 1855,” Little Mustache said.

She shared some of the games tribal members played as young people, including a hoop and arrow game.

“The hoop represents the bison,” she said. “When bison feel threatened, the cows surround the babies and the bulls surround the cows while facing the threat.”

As the groups of students exited the music room, Little Mustache played a Native drum and sung a song.

“For those who’d like to learn more about Native games, they can go to the Montana Office of Public Instruction website,” Little Mustache said.

A pdf file of the games may be found at


Hockaday Museum of Art Director of Education Kathy Martin shows Libby Elementary School students a Native painting at last Thursday's presentation. (Scott Shindledecker/The Western News)


(Scott Shindledecker/The Western News)


(Scott Shindledecker/The Western News)


(Scott Shindledecker/The Western News)