Friday, March 14, 2025

Libby couple sentenced for drug trafficking offense

The Western News | June 23, 2023 7:00 AM

A Libby couple accused of drug trafficking recently received deferred sentences after appearing in Lincoln County District Court.

Judge Matt Cuffe delivered five-year terms to Amber Patterson Martin, 38, and Christopher Wayne Martin, 34, on June 12. Each pleaded guilty this spring to use or possession of property subject to criminal forfeiture, specifically $2,983 in cash.

Each had faced 10-year terms in the Montana State Prison.

Both were each initially charged with two felony counts of possession of dangerous drugs with the intent to distribute. They were also charged with use or possession of property subject to criminal forfeiture.

Both hearings saw debate on paying restitution and fines related to the respective cases. The defendants each described their employment situations as tenuous.

Amber Martin, who said she was the mother of three children, with two being school-aged, said she hadn’t worked in a number of years. She also said she received food stamps.

Lincoln County Attorney Marcia Boris asked Martin if paying $35 per month was out of the question. Defendants have the duration of their sentence to pay fines and restitution.

“With other court fees I’m paying, $35 is possible, but it would be tough,” she said.

Ultimately, Cuffe waived the $800 public defender fee and suspended the fines. She received credit for serving 21 days in the county jail.

For her husband, Christopher Martin, through public defender Charles Sprinkle, he wanted the $800 public defender fee waived.

Martin said he was self-employed and made money selling flags, hats and other merchandise.

“It’s an up and down thing,” Martin described. “I’ve been at two events and made a total of $2,000.”

He said he has worked construction and remodeling jobs in the past, but not currently.

Boris asked Martin how he managed to buy 115 grams of methamphetamine. Martin also said at the time of the arrest the $2,983 that was seized by law enforcement were winnings from a casino.

Martin also said he has property in the Marion area he bought with his mother in 2020.

Cuffe ordered he had the ability to pay the fines and court costs.

Both were originally lodged in the Lincoln County Detention Center on $100,000 bond, but have been released since being arraigned on the charges on Feb. 13.

According to the probable cause statement by Brandon Holzer of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, Amber Martin was arrested on Jan. 23 coming into Libby on U.S. 2 for driving on a suspended license and driving under the influence of dangerous drugs by Deputy Tony Jenson. The vehicle was seized after a K-9 unit alerted to the odor of narcotics in the vehicle.

At the time of the traffic stop, Christopher Martin was in the back seat and suspected of being under the influence of fentanyl. He was later given a ride to his residence by Deputy John Hyslop.

On Jan. 24, Deputy Dan Holskey wrote a warrant for the vehicle. After a search of it, officers reported finding 27 fentanyl pills, 115 grams of meth and 9.8 ounces of marijuana bud and $2,983. Officers also reported finding hundreds of small distribution bags and scales in the vehicle.

The officers also reported finding ledgers and receipts explaining costs of dangerous drugs and how much they were making coming back home from Tacoma, Washington, including how much they were getting in cash.

According to the probable cause statement, the officers learned Christopher Martin was trying to bond Amber out of jail. Christopher was then taken into custody for possession with intent to distribute dangerous drugs. Amber was also charged and denied bonding out. Their cash was seized and both were given subject to forfeiture citations.


Amber Martin