Friday, March 14, 2025

Has a good lady missed the mark?

| June 20, 2023 7:00 AM

Recently Laura Pritchett, a Colorado resident, sent her opinion to Montana. She’s interested in brainstorming with like minded individuals (supporters of gun control and confiscation) for solutions to school shootings and gun violence.

However that closes off conversations that address the real issues behind these heinous acts. Here’s why: she sets the stage saying that guns have become more militarized as weapons of mass destruction.

(A) Guns from the first Chinese bamboo cannon types, the muskets of the pilgrims, to today's firearms were always designed for military use.

The fact that they made hunting easier was an additional benefit.

(B) The Second Amendment isn’t murkily written, it’s plainly straight forward in it’s intent.

To believe it’s relevancy doesn’t apply to today's firearms is akin to saying the First Amendment shouldn’t be applied to digital media or expressions thru the clothing people wear.

(C) She laments that school children practice active shooter drills. I know she would rather see such drills (think fire and air-raid drills) than having children be sitting ducks.

However, coddling children from the truth isn’t the answer either. So what is the truth? Do cars cause wrecks? Do forks make people fat? Do guns kill ?

We all know the answers are No!

A drunk behind the wheel, a persons eating and fitness habits, mental illness and immorality are the correct answers. Remember that Cane killed Able with a rock. The rock wasn’t held accountable. She states that the lack of action by adults is part of the tragedy. She is right on this point!

Most adults, and schools, across the country have stopped teaching their children the 10 Commandments: The foundation of individual social responsibility of self governance that this great nation was built upon! And have permitted a school system of indoctrination to woke ideology which strips away childhood. And teaches that life in the womb is disposable, which to a child's mind equates that life outside the womb is too.

It seems OK though to allow young undeveloped minds to be influenced by violent shoot-em-up video games where the goal is to kill all in your path!

Many say such games don’t harm children. However the cartoons of the ’50s and ’60s do?

Are these the like minded individuals she wants? I think not! The lack of moral upbringing has produced a generation of selfish narcissistic children.

So until the adults of this country take personal responsibility and stop blaming gun manufactures, the NRA, advocating for strict gun laws that don’t work (see Chicago’s weekend shooting stats) and demand answers to the right questions will there be reduced gun violence.

Questions such as: Why are school children, for a peaceful classroom, given psychotropic drugs? How to these young people who work part time or not at all afford $2,000 rifles, $2,000 body armor suits or $40,000 pickups? Why is the federal government opposed to arming teachers? How is it that several mass shooters, states apart, know each other? Why haven’t the manifestos or journals of these mentally ill individuals been studied to address any common link? Why have many of the shootings followed political scandals?

How have shooters bypassed a schools security and metal detectors...who’s showing the way in?

As a parent who has lost a child I feel deeply for those who through these heinous acts have lost an innocent. Too much time has passed, too little action has been taken and too little information from investigating authorities has been released on curbing and addressing this troubling occurrence.

Robert Edmundson Libby, Montana