Monday, February 10, 2025

Partnership seeks help in fight against feral pigs

by The Western News
| July 18, 2023 7:00 AM

A North American partnership formed to prevent the spread and establishment of feral swine have released a new campaign promoting awareness and reporting of feral swine.

“Across North America feral swine are also known as wild pigs, wild boar, hogs, or other names,” said Liz Lodman, administrator of the State of Montana Invasive Species Council and U.S. co-chair of the Transboundary Feral Swine Working Group which works to address feral swine between the United States and Canada. “Regardless of what you call feral swine, they are a big problem and pose a significant threat to our economy and environment.”

Within the United States, feral swine are known to cause over $2.5 billion in damage and control costs to agriculture, property and natural resources.

Additionally, potential introduction of foreign animal diseases such as African swine fever (ASF), foot and mouth disease, or classical swine fever (CSF), pose a substantial risk to the livestock industry, trade, and food security.

To address these risks and damages, the U.S. National Feral Swine Damage Management Program, led by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services, was established in 2014.

Congress allocates funds annually to support the program in feral swine disease surveillance, population monitoring, and damage management efforts across 38 states and territories.

“The threat of feral swine is vast. Their impact is far-reaching, harming agriculture and livestock, wildlife and ecosystems, human health, and safety, and more,” said Jeanine Neskey, Extension Specialist for the National Feral Swine Damage Management Program. “In some regions, feral swine have existed for centuries, making eradication a substantial challenge. However, in regions where feral swine are not yet well established, we have an opportunity to stop their population spread. Squeal on Pigs! Is how we will keep regions feral swine free.”

In Canada, feral swine are expanding quickly. While occasional sightings are reported in British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario, established populations are now found in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba and present a huge risk of introducing African swine fever which would devastate Canada’s pork industry (Canada is the world’s third largest exporter of pork) if it became prevalent in commercial swine.

“In Canada, there is a massive ongoing effort with implementation of Canada’s Wild Pig Strategy to provide Canada-wide leadership to facilitate eradication of feral swine by enhancing the understanding of the problem, educating on best practices, coordinating efforts across regions, provinces, territories and with Indigenous organizations and partners, and systematically tracking progress toward shared goals,” said Kellie Sherman, Operations Supervisor with the Canadian Council on Invasive Species and Canadian Co-Chair of the Transboundary Feral Swine Working Group. “The Canadian Council on Invasive Species is excited to play a key role in education and awareness on this important topic with the new Squeal on Pigs! Program."

North American agencies agree that early detection of newly introduced feral swine is key to triggering quick and effective management. To raise public awareness and promote reporting of feral swine, a new campaign titled Squeal on Pigs! and associated reporting tool have been released which are available now.

The Squeal on Pigs! campaign is tailorable for use across North America. The campaign includes templates in French, Spanish, and English. Campaign graphics include logos, stickers, social media assets, and other educational elements that are customizable for local, state or provincial/territorial, and national use, including Indigenous territories, to aid programs and harmonize public communications.

Partners are invited to join the Squeal on Pigs! partnership, that will include a North American website and upcoming management workshops and policy summits in summer of 2023 and beyond.

“Invasive species, including feral swine, do not respect jurisdictional boundaries such as international borders,” said Lodman. “To be successful in protecting or economy and environment we must work in harmony across those same borders.”

Learn more about feral swine in the United States by visiting

Learn more about feral swine in Canada and become a Squeal on Pigs! partner by visiting