Saturday, December 28, 2024

Community briefs

| July 4, 2023 7:00 AM

Hunter and bowhunter education classes are open to registration in Libby.

To sign up for the free classes, visit

Hunter and Bowhunter Education classes are taught by skilled volunteer instructors, offering hands-on learning experiences and opportunities for students to ask questions of experienced hunters.

Students learn how to handle firearms and archery equipment safely, basic survival skills, hunting ethics, wildlife management, game identification, landowner-hunter relations, and Montana hunting laws and regulations.

Montana law requires that anyone born after Jan. 1, 1985, complete a Hunter Education class or qualify as a youth apprentice hunter before purchasing a Montana hunting license.

All first-time bowhunters must complete a Bowhunter Education course or show proof of a prior year’s archery license from another state or province.

All classes are free. Students must be at least 10 years old to take a Hunter Education class. Students must be at least 12 years old by Jan. 16, 2024, to take a Bowhunter Education class.

Cabinet View women's golf results

The Cabinet View Women’s League held a two-person scramble on June 21.

First place went to Barb Mee and Phyll Mackey. Second place was Connie Stantus and Dee Wright while Nancy Hull and Shirley Chase were third.

On June 28, the league played 4 Blind Holes-after the round 4 holes were drawn and low score of the 4 holes wins.

Barb Mee was the winner in A Flight and Phyll Mackey for B Flight. Low Gross A Flight was Barb Mee, B Flight was Phyll Mackey.

Low Net A Flight was Nancy Hull and B Flight was Donna Havens. All women golfers are welcome to join us at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays.