Friday, March 14, 2025

David Thompson SAR hosts winter safety training event

The Western News | February 3, 2023 7:00 AM

David Thompson Search and Rescue recently held an avalanche safety training course.

Thompson SAR member Jon Obst, also a state game warden, shared some details of the training, held Jan. 20-21.

“We do it annually and it’s for the community and volunteers who are interested in learning more about recreating safely and what to do if they are caught in an avalanche,” Obst said.

The training session included a classroom portion on Friday evening and outdoors training on Saturday on Keeler Mountain.

Several SAR groups were involved, including the Can-Am Search and Rescue out of Eureka, Boundary County SAR of Idaho, Troy Snowmobile Club, Lincoln County SnoKat Club, Thompson Falls SAR, state Fish, Wildlife and Parks and U.S. Forest Service.

The training included the use of probe poles and shoveling out “victims” buried in snow. The use of transceivers and looking at cross sections of snow layers to determine its stability was also covered. Avalanche beacon training and a search dog demonstration were included.

A dummy was also buried in a snow bank and a mock search was conducted before the “victim” was found.

Obst said he’s thankful it’s been quiet so far this winter.

“We had one rescue where a boater on Lake Koocanusa got disoriented, but still made it to shore. He got wet, but he was rescued before it turned into anything more serious,” Obst said.

In early November, Thompson SAR and Can-Am rescued a missing hunter in the Yaak in early November. A few days prior to that, Thompson SAR helped rescue an overdue hiker in the Cedar Creek area.

Obst said the SAR groups always appreciates new members.