Friday, March 14, 2025

Eyes Wide Open

by Robert Edmundson
| December 15, 2023 12:00 AM

At this time of the year most Americans are readying themselves for the celebration of their savior's birth. Being thankful for the blessings in their lives here in America. 

Unfortunately those blessings and our constitutional liberties are in danger. It matter not if you're a DEMOCRAT or a REPUBLICAN: Decisions are being made in Washington D.C. that negatively affect our America way-of-life for each and every one of us! 

Americas' internal enemies, the current administration, unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats and wealthy elitist are to blame for the plight we are experiencing today. They believe to know what is best for Americans. Is that really so? 

We are all aware of having the wool pulled over our eyes by the lies and buffoonery during the C19 pandemic. This lead to the destruction of the self-reliant middle class, and not only here democracies and free markets are under attack here and abroad. 

The push for social governance scores ( already in China) and an implementation of a Central Bank of Digital Currency is a direct threat to our individual sovereignty. To paraphrase the Police... every thought you mutter, every cent you make, I'll be watching you... The IMF has released a handbook on how to create CBDC's everywhere! They say to "improve financial inclusion where few hold bank accounts. CBDC offers a safe and low cost alternative to cash. They would offer a bridge between private monies and a "yardstick to measure their value"... only who's measurements are they being held to? Will it benefit the consumer, or most likely State? 

We are aware of the UN Small Arms Treaty and its threat to our Second Amendment. However, are you aware of the Pandemic Treaty? Here the UN and the WHO, for equitabilities to all countries, a takeover, a World Health Care... "One Health Approach, Humans, Animals and Earth". No longer advisors, but managers of the worlds' health, where global governance is "Our Common Agenda". Lets look at the losses of our sovereignty: Enforced surveillance, Enforced censorship, Orders vs recommendations, Loss of human rights protection, Loss of intellectual property rights, Sole authority to declare pandemics, Restrictions of therapeutics, Enforced digital passports, and a Liability shield, to hold them unaccountable. As I said, it matters not being Democrat or Republican, as Americans we are under treaty, tyranny (the wolf) is at the door! 

Another, and more urgent, threat affecting us is that the Rule-of-Law is being undermined by the failure of the Federal government to fulfill its basic function to secure the southern boarder! The invasion at the boarder isn't just Mexicans and Latinos: with the help of UN camps set to facilitate the invaders, young men of Chinses and Arab nationalities are present in large numbers. Meaning Hamas and CCP agents and other terrorist are among these invaders. Why hasn't the head of the Dept. of Homeland Security acted upon his oath of office, defending America against this invasion? Why hasn't the Sec. of Health demand  the boarder be closed against these unvetted, C19 and diseased carrying invaders? Is he/they to busy trying on dresses? 

We know that education is the foundation you use to think for yourself to be willing to accept the responsibility to be involved with mankind. However, the Board of Education in Oregon has announced that understanding knowledge and comprehension of basic Reading and Writing, Arithmetic and Science will not be required to graduate from high school, because it's unfair to blacks and underserved communities. Is this a nice way for the educated elitist to say they are just too stupid? Are the parents awake? 

We see where the collegiate cancel culture crowd and their professors who indoctrinated them to use Presentism to justify actions against America and world history... are now trying to claim they support free via the anti-Israel pro Hamas demonstrations. I guess beheading children, rape, body mutilations, and murder aren't bad things if they are in response to having been oppresses. The moral high ground doesn't equate to having any morals, just the need to remedy oppression. Are these just ends-which-justifies-the-means? Where are the feminists' voices denouncing the "toxic masculinity" of the Hamas's Pogram? I'm not sure these profs nor thier students are aware that the Palestinians have rejected five peace plans, even when they offer return of all lands pre 1967! You have to ask yourself: Why would your leaders oppose peace? Why would a people object to peace? We all know it's the fear of Hamas, after all who would feel sade goverend by those who install military units next to hospitals? I wonder is there more money being refugees than taking on the responsibilities of independence? 

The previous paragraphs are just a few of the assaults being perpetrated upon us and our liberties, supported by un-American loving politicians, unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats and wealth elitist looking to destroy America for the New World Order! If you are thinking "I'm just one person what cant I do?" Or "It's just the way things are." 


Go To: See how our Article 5 of the Constitution allows us to rein in Washington D.C. Contact your local and state elected officials and TELL them to approve the Convention of States and send a Montana delegation to help save America!!! 

God Bless America, 

Robert Edmundson, Libby

Ref: Epoch Times, B. Russell, B. Kay, Dr. M. Nass, Hillsdale College and Prager U.