Friday, February 21, 2025

Upper Yaak Fire Service hosting Labor Day weekend rummage sale

| August 29, 2023 7:00 AM

Labor Day is usually the signal for the end of the summer and a time when friends and families gather for barbeques and camping trips.

In the Yaak, it is the time for the annual Upper Yaak Fire Rummage sale. The sale will take place Thursday, Friday and Saturday (Aug. 31 to Sept. 1-2) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Fire Hall on 28600 Yaak River Rd (Shooting Range Road) in the Yaak.

The Upper Yaak Fire Service was established in 1994 by Martin Riedlinger and his wife Joanne. It officially covers an area from the South Fork to the North Fork at mile marker 50 to Spread Creek, but usually takes calls as far south as the Yaak River Road and U.S. 2 intersection.

The department serves as first responders for medical emergencies, car accidents, wildland and structure fires. All this requires equipment and a trained crew.

The Upper Yaak Fire board strives to keep costs down and the tax assessment stable. However, the department struggles with old equipment in need of replacement and a shortage of safety gear needed to properly protect the firefighters and fight local fires.

There are a total of 12 members who are available to respond to emergency calls. The Yaak is fortunate to have three local emergency medical responders. The Yaak is a long way from Troy and Libby to wait for first responders and the local residents appreciate the dedication of these volunteers quickly responding to their 911 calls.

The proceeds of this fund raiser will be set aside for the following equipment in a separate fund:

  • Turnout gear, which is the uniform of the firefighter, costs between $2,000 to $5,000. The equipment has a shelf life of 10 years and needs to be replaced.
  • Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) which is needed to enter areas of low oxygen. A complete SCBA can cost over $2,000.
  • P25 complaint digital radios which have an advantage over analog radios currently in use. P25 is more rugged for use in harsh conditions, provides clearer audio quality, and better communication between different agencies in our county.

There is a need for handheld radios, radios installed in vehicles and base stations. Costs can run to $400 per radio or higher.

The need is great to protect the firefighters keeping the Yaak community safe.

Event organizers are asking folks to support the rummage sale on Labor Day weekend. It has been said that one person’s junk is another person’s treasure!

There will be furniture, clothes, household items, tires and much more.

Please call Sharon Sullivan at 295-5985 if you have any questions.