Friday, March 14, 2025

Community briefs

| August 11, 2023 7:00 AM

David Thompson SAR community gathering Aug. 15

David Thompson Search and Rescue will meet at the Riverfront Park on Aug. 15 to honor community members who have served in its mission for more than 50 years.

According to long-time member Terry Crooks, the event is open to anyone who would like to show their appreciation to those whose first visions enabled search and rescue to be what it is today.

The open house will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 15.

Founding members of the group, past members and community supporters will be recognized. Current equipment will be on display and Two Bear Air will also fly in to show off the latest in air rescue equipment that David Thompson SAR has used on multiple occasions.

Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks will be provided.

Back 2 School Blast set for Aug. 17

The Back 2 School Blast will be held Aug. 17 at the Memorial Center in Libby.

All families are welcome to get backpacks and school supplies for their children from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday.

There will also be hygiene kits, immunizations and haircuts, sports physicals, BBQ, games and other activities.

The community event is led by the Kiwanis of Libby and Troy, Spring Up Libby, Zero to Five, Cabinet Peaks Medical Center, Lincoln County libraries, the Nurturing Center, United Way, Lincoln County Unite for Youth, Love Inc., county Public Health, Boy and Girl Scouts and 4-H.

Libby Community blood drive

Libby VFW Post 1548 will host a community blood drive from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 17.

The VFW is located at 114 W. Second Street.

To schedule an appointment, call Gloria at 293-5233.

Senior Commodities Distribution

The distribution will take place from 10 a.m. to noon Friday, Aug. 18 at the Libby VFW Post at 1548 214 E. 2nd Street.

For more information, call Jule 406-291-2201.

Cabinet View Women's Golf League results

The Cabinet View Women’s Golf League had a fun round playing “3s Company“ on Aug. 2.

Flight A winner was a tie between Pat Neils and Dee Wright. Flight B winner was Phyll Mackey. Low gross for Flight A was Dee Wright and Shirley Chase and Phyll Mackey tied for Flight B.

Low net for Flight A was Pat Neils and Donna Havens for Flight B. Shirley Chase had a chip-in on No. 9.

On Wednesday, Aug. 9, the league met for a gamer of “Odd Holes Out.”

The winner of Flight A was Barb Mee and Shirley Chase for Flight B. Low Gross winner of Flight A was Nancy Hull and Shirley Chase for Flight B.

Low net winner of Flight A was Barb Mee and a three-way tie of Connie Stantus, Donna Havens and Marilee Brown for Flight B.

Shirley Chase had a chip-in on No. 13 and Anna Guthrie on No. 14. The Women’s Invitational is Aug. 16.