Friday, March 14, 2025

Fire restrictions moved to stage 2 in Lincoln Co.

Daily Inter Lake | August 4, 2023 7:00 AM

The Lincoln County Commissioners voted unanimously Wednesday to move to stage 2 fire restrictions one week after enacting stage 1 restrictions.

With Lincoln County in either moderate or severe drought and the fire danger at the extreme level, fire managers in northwest Montana collectively agreed to enact stage 2 restrictions.

Stage 2 restrictions will begin at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 6. The commissioners also clarified that Stage I restrictions apply to commercial and private lands.

Fire managers continue to stress anyone who begins a fire while not conforming to the restrictions outlined in Stage II can be held liable for costs incurred by fire suppression activities and face fines and misdemeanor charges. When operating under an exemption of Stage II restrictions, individuals can still be legally responsible for fires they start.

"The whole premise here is that we try to stay on the same page so there’s no variation," said Lincoln County Emergency Management Director Thomas Lane manager. "Many different groups work together to ensure that if the patterns of the environment require fire restrictions, all entities stay on the same page as they all share resources."

In addition to the restrictions enacted in stage 1, the new regulations include a ban on fireworks and building, maintaining or attending a fire or campfire is prohibited.

Smoking is not permitted, unless it is done within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation area or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.

Other restrictions include:

  • Between 1 p.m. and 1 a.m., using internal combustion engines, explosives and operating welding torches is prohibited.

For those working with the aforementioned devices, such as torches and chainsaws, a two-hour watch is required following the end of work to make sure there is no accidental ignition.

Additionally, people in an area with Stage II fire restrictions, can not operate motorized vehicles off designated roads or trails.

There are exemptions to these regulations, including using gas stoves within barren areas, mowing irrigated lawns or operating generators with approved safety devices.

Construction sites that are barren are not restricted and agricultural operations are permitted as long as they reach specific safety standards – fire mitigation is in place and a fire extinguisher or backpack pumps are nearby.

Emergency actions conducted on public utilities are allowed and firefighters performing official activities are not held to the restrictions. All land within the city boundary is exempted.

Additionally, Columbia Falls-based F.H. Stoltze Land and Lumber Co. plans to close its land to public access on Monday, Aug. 7, due to elevated fire danger.

The closure will affect Stoltze property in Flathead, Lake and Lincoln counties.

No public access will be allowed, including non-motorized and walk-in use, the forestry company stated in a press release Wednesday.

Stoltze allows public use of its lands as a neighborly accommodation.

"Stoltze appreciates your cooperation in helping protect our forest lands from the risk of wildfire," the release stated.

Flathead County's fire danger was raised to "extreme" on Monday. County commissioners declared a state of emergency the same day as wildfires continued to crop up across the region.

All of Northwest Montana is under stage 1 fire restrictions. Stay up to date and find more information on the Montana Fish and Wildlife website, which offers more details on stage 2 fire restrictions and information on changing conditions.