Saturday, December 28, 2024

Cabinet View Women's Golf League results

| September 6, 2022 7:00 AM

The Cabinet View Women’s Golf League held their last game of the season on wednesday.

The game of the day was a surprise, “Most Putts Win!”

Group A winner was Nancy Hull and Connie Stantus won Group B. Low gross winner in Group A was Barb Mee and Phyull Mackey in Group B.

Nancy Hull was Group A low net and Connie Stantus in Group B. Phyll Mackey and Donna Havens both had chip-ins.

The Cabinet View Women’s Golf League met Aug. 24 for a Par 4 Gross game.

The winners had the lowest scores on par 4s. Group A winner was Barb Mee, and Phyll Mackey won Group B.

Nancy Hull had low gross for Group A and Phyll Mackey for group B. Barb Mee too low net in Group A and Marilee Brown in group B.