Saturday, December 28, 2024

Fortine woman supports Brown, Rice for state Supreme Court

| November 1, 2022 7:00 AM

I am so shocked, and yet when I remember my own journey waking up to politics within Lincoln County… I’m not so shocked anymore.

I remember all the recent political races; I had no idea who to vote for. I never knew who was running for our MT Supreme Court positions, for instance.

Lately, I’ve been canvassing for the GOP. That means I walked and knocked door-to-door with a partner and we interviewed people about how they intend to vote. Whenever we asked them if they were following the MT Supreme Court race involving James Brown and Jim Rice as the conservative candidates, they most often said “No” they knew nothing about who was running!

This is the most terrible thing for us.

We must spread the word that BROWN-RICE is good for Montana!

These men believe in our U.S. Constitution as written, I do believe; and we absolutely must begin to overcome the liberal stance of our dominant court.

It’s horrendous to have the liberal MT Supreme Court overcoming the will of the conservative legislature, the governor, and We The People of Montana!

Nothing can get done in our government with the Court overturning, changing, and putting off “everything” we conservatives try to accomplish.

So, please be aware, that BROWN-RICE, the two conservative people running for our MT Supreme Court positions are Good For Montana.

In fact, vote for every Republican [R]. You can only count on Republicans to be conservative in the 2022 general election.

Dianne Hansen, Fortine