Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Cabinet View Women's Golf League results

| July 29, 2022 7:00 AM

Here are the results from the Cabinet View Women's Golf League for the last two weeks.

On July 27, the ladies game of the day was net score plus putts.

In Group A, Pat Neils won it while also claiming low gross honors.

In Group B, Marilee Brown and Phyll Mackey tied for the top spot. Brown also claimed low net honors and Mackey had the best low gross score.

Then, on July 20, the ladies played odd holes out, add your score for even holes only.

Low Gross wins. Dee Wright won in A Flight and Donna Havens won B Flight.

Low Gross A Flight was won by Dee Wright, B Flight was Phyll Mackey.

Low Net A Flight was Pat Neils and B Flight was Marilee Brown.

All women golfers are welcome to join the group on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. for business, coffee and snacks and golfing at 10 a.m.