Saturday, March 15, 2025

Legals for September, 22 2020

| September 22, 2020 12:00 AM

PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Lincoln County Commissioners has received a request from the Board of Trustees of the Fisher River Fire Service Area to amend the fee schedule as follows: 1. Residential: Present Fee $140/year to Proposed Fee $280/year 2. Commercial 1 (w/o fuel): Present Fee $280/year to Proposed Fee $500/year 3. Commercial 2 (w fuel): Present Fee $350/year to Proposed Fee $600/year 4. Structured Improvements: New $177/year NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Lincoln County Commissioners on the 30th day of September, 2020, at 6pm at the Fisher River Community Hall located at 70 W Camp Road, Libby, Montana for the purpose of public comment for or against the fee schedule amendment stated above. For questions or further information please contact Robin Swimley at 253-6244 or email Published In The Western News September 22 & 29, 2020. MNAXLP

Benjamin J. Mann, 33833674 Lewis N. Stoddard, 60723896 Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C. 376 East 400 South, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Phone: (801) 355-2886 Facsimile: (801) 328-9714 Attorney for Plaintiff HWM File Number: MT10658 MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY U.S. Bank National Association, not in its individual capacity, but solely as trustee for the RMAC Trust, Series 2016-CTT, Plaintiff, v. Jason J. Henderson, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Harold H. Battest; Michelle Anne Perez; Michelle Marie Hasha; William Battest; Tamey Lea Hickey; Bank of America, N.A.; The United States of America acting by and through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE CIVIL NUMBER: DV-2019-169 Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued in the above-entitled action on the 5th day of June, 2020, I am commanded to sell at public auction all of Defendants' rights and interest to the below described property: The East half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 32,Township 37 North of Range 27 West, P.M.M., Lincoln County, Montana. With a property address of: 1105 Sophie Lake Road, Eureka, MT 59917 Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of October, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., in the lobby of the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office at 512 California Avenue, Libby, MT 59923, the above-described property will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy Plaintiff's judgment, with interest and costs. Dated August 19, 2020. _________ Darren Short, Sheriff of Lincoln County, State of Montana **WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND ANYONE INTERESTED IN BIDDING ON ANY PROPERTY NOTICED FOR SALE RESEARCH THE OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY THOROUGHLY PRIOR TO BIDDING** Published In The Western News September 15, 22 & 29, 2020. MNAXLP

Legal Notice The following is the complete text of an amendment to the Montana Constitution to be submitted to the voters of the state of Montana at the November 3, 2020 General Election. The text below is being published per the requirement of 13-27-311(1) MCA, by Secretary of State Corey Stapleton. Text underlined below shows text to be added. THE COMPLETE TEXT OF CONSTITUTIONAL INITIATIVE NO. 118 (CI-118) Section 1. Article II, section 14, of the Montana Constitution is amended to read: "Section 14. Adult Rights.A person 18 years of age or older is an adult for all purposes, except that the legislature or the people by initiative may establish the legal age for purchasing, consuming, or possessing alcoholic beverages and marijuana." Ballot Language CONSTITUTIONAL INITIATIVE NO. 118 A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION Under the Montana Constitution, a person 18 years of age or older is an adult, except that the legislature or the people by initiative may establish the legal age of purchasing, consuming, or possessing alcoholic beverages. CI-118 amends the Montana Constitution to allow the legislature or the people by initiative to establish the legal age for purchasing, consuming, or possessing marijuana. [] YES on Constitutional Initiative CI-118 [] NO on Constitutional Initiative CI-118 Published In The Western News September 15, 22 & October 13, 20, 2020. MNAXLP

Legal Notice The following is the ballot statement of an amendment to the Montana Constitution to be submitted to the voters of the state of Montana at the November 3, 2020 General Election. The text below is being published per the requirement of 13-27-311(2) MCA, by Secretary of State Corey Stapleton. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 47 AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION PROPOSED BY THE LEGISLATURE AN ACT SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF MONTANA AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE III, SECTION 4, OF THE MONTANA CONSTITUTION TO REVISE THE METHOD OF QUALIFYING AN INITIATIVE FOR THE BALLOT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The 2019 Legislature submitted this constitutional amendment for a vote. C-47 modifies the state constitution to specify proposed petitions for citizen ballot initiatives must be signed by at least five percent of the qualified electors in one-third of the legislative districts. It repeals a different standard found to be unconstitutional in 2005. ( )YES on Constitutional Amendment C-47 ( )NO on Constitutional Amendment C-47 Published In The Western News September 15, 22 & October 13, 20, 2020. MNAXLP

Legal Notice The following is the ballot statement of an amendment to the Montana Constitution to be submitted to the voters of the state of Montana at the November 3, 2020 General Election. The text below is being published per the requirement of 13-27-311(2) MCA, by Secretary of State Corey Stapleton. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 46 AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION PROPOSED BY THE LEGISLATURE AN ACT SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF MONTANA AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE XIV, SECTION 9, OF THE MONTANA CONSTITUTION TO REVISE THE METHOD OF QUALIFYING A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT BY INITIATIVE FOR THE BALLOT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The 2019 Legislature submitted this constitutional amendment for a vote. C-46 modifies the state constitution to specify proposed petitions for constitutional amendments from the people must be signed by at least ten percent of the qualified electors in two-fifths of the legislative districts. It repeals a different standard found to be unconstitutional in 2005. ( )YES on Constitutional Amendment C-46 ( ) NO on Constitutional Amendment C-46 Published In The Western News September 15, 22 & October 13, 20, 2020. MNAXLP

TANKO LAW OFFICE BRIAN C. TANKO, ESQ. Montana Bar No. 5194 392 - 1st Avenue East North Kalispell, MT 59901 Tel: (406) 257-3711 Fax: (406) 257-3722 Email: Web: Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives, CRAIG BREWER and DIANE BREWER MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY In Re: The Estate of JUSTIN MAX BREWER, Deceased. Cause No: DP-20-78 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed Co-Personal Representatives of the above-named Estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to CRAIG BREWER and DIANE BREWER, the Co-Personal Representatives, certified with return receipt requested, to c/o Tanko Law Office, 392 1st Avenue E.N., Kalispell, MT 59901, or filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court. DATED this 24 day of August, 2020. s/s Craig Brewer CRAGE BREWER Personal Representative s/s Diane Brewer DIANE BREWER Personal Representative VERIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF BENTON On this 24 day of August, 2020, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Washington, personally appeared CRAIG BREWER, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity as the Applicant of the Estate of JUSTIN MAX BREWER, and that the document is accurate and complete to the best of his knowledge and belief as to the information required by M.C.A. §72-3-202. s/s Craig Brewer CRAIG BREWER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned executes and acknowledges this instrument as of the date above stated. s/sMartha Gonzalez Martha Gonzalez Notary Public State of Washington May Appointment Expires January 5,2022 VERIFICATION STATE OF Washington COUNTY OF Benton On this 24 day of August, 2020, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Washington, personally appeared DIANE BREWER, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity as the Applicant of the Estate of JUSTIN MAX BREWER, and that the document is accurate and complete to the best of her knowledge and belief as to the information required by M.C.A. §72-3-202. s/s Diane Brewer DIANE BREWER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned executes and acknowledges this instrument as of the date above stated. s/sMartha Gonzalez Martha Gonzalez Notary Public State of Washington May Appointment Expires January 5,2022 Published In The Western News September 22, 29, and October 6, 2020. MNAXLP