Saturday, March 15, 2025

Legals September 17, 2019

| September 17, 2019 5:10 AM

NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Smoke-Brulee Timber Sale is located within Section 16, T27N-R29W, on the State's Libby Unit. Approximately 21,652 tons, consisting primarily Douglas-fir sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on October 16, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Divsion (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit of $10,501.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale Bond. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300), the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257), or the Libby Unit Office in Libby, MT (406-293-2711). Visit our website at for upcoming sales and bid results. Published In The Western News September 17, 24, October 1 and 8, 2019. MNAXLP

After Recording Return To: Mackoff Kellogg Law Firm 38 2nd Ave E Dickinson, ND 58601 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE'S SALE on January 6, 2020, at 02:00 PM at the North Steps of the Lincoln County Courthouse located at 512 California Avenue in Libby, MT 59923, the following described real property situated in Lincoln County, Montana: Lot 3, SWAMP CREEK ACRES UNIT NO. 1, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Lincoln County, Montana Daniel J. Ramos and Peggy Dorman-Ramos, as Grantor(s), conveyed said real property to Lincoln County Title Company Title Co., as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Montana Mortgage Company, a Montana Corporation, as Beneficiary, by Deed of Trust dated on July 25, 2008, and recorded on July 30, 2008, as Book 320, Page 649, Document No. 213217. The beneficial interest is currently held by Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper. First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., is currently the Trustee. The beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust by failing to make the monthly payments beginning January 1, 2019, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. The total amount due on this obligation as of August 4, 2019 is $214,253.39 principal, interest totaling $9,398.78, late charges in the amount of $241.77 escrow advances of $212.77, and other fees and expenses advanced of $34.00, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other costs and fees that may be advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantors. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed without any representation or warranty, including warranty of Title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The grantor, successor in interest to the grantor or any other person having an interest in the property, at any time prior to the trustee's sale, may pay to the beneficiary or the successor in interest to the beneficiary the entire amount then due under the deed of trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and thereby cure the default. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason, and in the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated: August 13, 2019 Rae Albert Assistant Secretary, First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. Successor Trustee Title Financial Specialty Services PO Box 339 Blackfoot ID 83221 STATE OF Idaho ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Bingham ) On this 13 day of August, 2019, before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Rae Albert, known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., Successor Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Kaitlin Ann Gotch Notary Public Bingham County, Idaho Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper vs Daniel J. Ramos 107493-1