Saturday, March 15, 2025

Republicans need to remain united to win in 2020

by Don Kaltschmidt
| September 13, 2019 5:04 PM

Rugged-individualism, an independent spirit, a strong work ethic, personal responsibility, and a commitment to our families and communities — these are the values that define conservatives across our great state. And these values are what I believe make our cause and our candidates best suited to represent Montanans in elected office.

Too often, discussion of our values gets lost in the course of the election season. Recently, a guest column appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (Aug. 25) that had disparaging comments about one of our candidates for governor. This type of attack isn’t surprising, but I can’t say it isn’t disappointing especially when it comes from a fellow Republican. We have exceptional candidates running for governor on the Republican side, and we should be proud of their unique backgrounds, talents and perspectives each of them would bring to the fovernor’s office.

It’s incumbent upon each candidate and their supporters to share more about their values and vision for our state, because that is what voters want to hear about. Personal attacks and the questioning of motives and character only weaken our candidates and hurt us as a party. No one should be naïve to the fact that differences exist within our cause and between our candidates, but those differences pale in comparison to the differences that exist between the Republican and Democrat candidates running in the general election. Those differences are far and wide, and that’s the contrast that matters because it shapes our future after Election Day.

I see a Democrat Party that has forgotten about our working class.

I see a party that openly and enthusiastically supports socialist policies like Medicare for all, the Green New Deal, sanctuary cities, open borders and free health care for illegal immigrants.

Not to mention a party openly assaulting our Second Amendment rights by seeking to ban semi-automatic firearms – a position now advocated by Gov. Steve Bullock. These policies will bankrupt our nation, infringe on our constitutional rights and make all of us worse off.

On the other hand, I see the Republican Party as one that will defend workers and families of all stripes. A party that stands for liberty, opportunity and prosperity for all. A party guided by the Constitution. These are the differences that we should be talking about.

It’s been 16 long years since a Republican has won the governor’s race. Too long in my opinion. My No. 1 job is to make sure we elect a Republican as our next governor. It would be a shame to see that moment squandered. We need to all remember what a Republican governor would mean for Montanans: Accountability in state government, reigning in spending and reducing the bureaucracy, living within our means, lowering taxes and supporting our small businesses, creating more high-paying jobs and protecting all jobs across all industries, advocating for and defending life, and always protecting our Second Amendment rights.

We’ve made significant progress over the past seven years. In 2012, Republicans held one office in Montana — the U.S. House seat. Today, we hold six out of the eight federal and statewide offices. This progress wasn’t accidental. This progress came because we organized, shared a winning vision and stood united in our mission.

We can continue to succeed as a cause and a party and win our races but only if we’re working together. To each of our candidates and their supporters, we ask that you share more about yourself and your vision with voters. Let’s hear more about the values you hold and the impact you want to have on the state. Highlight the contrast between what we as conservatives stand for compared to that of the Democrats.

Let’s commit right now to remember we’re all on the same team working to achieve the same goal: Win every single one of our races on Election Day.

We must remain vigilant and not get distracted. We can deliver a better future for all Montanans by winning our elections and electing a Republican governor next year.

We’re better together.

— Don Kaltschmidt is chairman of the Montana Republican Party. He lives in Whitefish.