Saturday, March 15, 2025

Critters are running amok in the Libby area

| September 10, 2019 1:21 PM

A caller said some cows tore down his fence and the owners wouldn’t respond to his calls to do something about the situation.

Someone called to report another sick cat in the alley behind the clinic. When an officer responded, the cat had moved along.

A report of an injured deer in the eastbound lane of U.S. near milemarker 44 couldn’t be confirmed.

Someone said his neighbor’s dog barks constantly.

A caller who was dog sitting reported the animal had escaped her custody. It was described as a white with tan markings Bijon wearing a pink and blue collar. It’s name is Bullet.

The sheriff’s office received a fax about someone who had been bit by a dog.

A woman and a child were riding their bikes near Main and West Flower when an Australian shepherd confronted them and bit the child. The people left the scene, but the canine remained on the loose. A responding officer didn’t find the dog.

A woman driving to work hit a deer, but she suffered no injuries. The woman was able to continue her drive.

Someone came to the Libby Police Department to report his bike was stolen.

A caller reported receiving several scam phone transmissions.

A concerned woman said someone kept driving on the roadway of her home which is a deadend intersection. She said someone had tried to break into her fifth wheel while she was gone.

A woman called after her soon-to-be ex-husband from Arizona refused to leave the home where she lived with her three kids. The man said he’d leave for the night and get a motel room.

Loud music at 1:30 in the morning woke up a caller. He had toned it down by the time officers arrived to quell the disturbance.

A female said her purse was stolen from her unlocked vehicle.

Someone reported seeing a disabled vehicle along the highway. She believed it belonged to two men and an infant she saw at a local bar. She thought the circumstances were suspicious.

A couple riding bikes had crashed and they may have been drinking. The man called later because the woman was still bleeding.