Saturday, March 15, 2025

Cabinet View Ladies

by Benjamin Kibbey Western News
| May 21, 2019 4:00 AM

The Cabinet View Ladies opened their 2019 season May 1.

The group played a game wherein each player was allowed to deduct her worst hole from her score.

In ‘A’ flight, Nancy Hull was the gross winner and Bobbie Bamford was the net winner.

In ‘B’ flight, Deonna Havens was the gross winner and Shirley Chase was the net winner.

On May 8, the Cabinet View Ladies played Blind Hole, and Phyll Mackey was the winner.

In ‘A’ flight, Bobbie Bamford had the low gross with 48 and Anna Guthrie had the low net with 39.

In ‘B’ flight, Marilee Brown had low gross with 54 and Phyll Mackey had low net with 36

On May 15, the Cabinet View Ladies played Mutt and Jeff, and Phyll Mackey was the winner.

In ‘A’ flight, Nancy Hull had low gross with 46 and Anna Guthrie had low net with 39.

In ‘B’ flight, Marilee Brown had low gross with 55 and Phyll Mackey had low net with 41.

The Ladies League meets each Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Cabinet View Golf Course clubhouse. All women are welcome to come and join the fun.