Saturday, March 15, 2025

Media should build up the community

| March 8, 2019 4:00 AM

“The Extra Mile” feature you have added to your paper was a wonderful read.

You couldn’t have picked a better candidate to begin, and I’m looking forward to the next!

I wish journalism and media of every nature across this land would take note!

It seems the consensus in the industry for many years now has said “if you want to sell… you have to have…” violence, sex, corruption, strife, fear.

Baloney… Those opinions are the philosophy that tears our country down. Real factual lives are worthy news!

We are encouraged and cheer when the good guys win and the bad guys lose. It lifts us out of the “victim mentality.”

Congratulations to all our law enforcement, administrative and military personnel for the cooperation they’ve been exhibiting, and victories they’ve gained over the drug culture that is tearing us apart.

Please commend all those involved in the inspiration to print the “Extra.” It gives our community hope and encouragement that build us up.

It’s good news that there are people among us spending their lives doing exemplary things for others.

I’m looking forward to hearing about the next special neighbor you feature!

Yeah Western News for leading the way!

— Laura McGlasson, Libby