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Libby School officials prepare for new year

by Scott Shindledecker Western News
| August 9, 2019 4:00 AM

The first days of school in the Libby School District are right around the corner with parents and school officials feverishly preparing for the beginning of the 2019-20 school year.

Libby School District Superintendent Craig Barringer has announced registration dates and other important information for new and returning students in elementary, Central and the middle and high schools.


Registration for new students will be held Monday, Aug.12 and Tuesday, Aug. 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.

For returning students in grades 1-6, registration will be held Wednesday, Aug. 14 and Thursday, Aug. 15 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

New students need the following information at registration:

- Up-to-date immunization record

- Birth certificate (certified)

- Name, address, and phone number of previous school

- Previous school report card and/or other school record

- Name and phone number of an emergency contact

- Arrangements will be made for placement testing

Any student planning to participate in extra-curricular activities must have a doctor’s sports physical prior to any practice.

The first day for grades 1-6 is Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 8:15 a.m.

The first day for Kindergarten is Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 8:15 a.m.

The first day for Pre-Kindergarten is Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 8:30 a.m.

The grade K-6 Meet and Greet will be Monday, Aug. 26, from 3-4 p.m.

The Pre-Kindergarten Open House will be held Tuesday, Sept. 3 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Open House for grades K-6 will be Thursday, Sept. 19, from 4-6 p.m.

Here is the Libby Elementary School supply list for the 2019-20 school year.


- Box of Crayons (24 Count) Crayola

- #2 Dixon Ticonderoga pencils (1 dozen)

- Headphones (no ear buds)

- Large Pink Eraser (1)

- Glue Sticks (6 Large) Elmer’s, purple

- Scissors (Blunt or Round Tip)

- Backpack

- School Supply Box (Regular Size)

- Disinfecting Wipes (2 Large Containers)

- Kleenex (2 Large Boxes)

- Water Bottle (Small, Reusable with Sports Cap)

- Ziploc Bags (1 box, sandwich, quart OR gallon)

First Grade

- Box of Crayons (24 Count)

- Box of Colored Pencils

- #2 Pencils (2 dozen)

- Large Pink Eraser (1)

- Glue Sticks (4 large or 6 small)

- Scissors (Pointed Tip)

- Backpack

- School Supply Box (Regular Size)

- Disinfecting Wipes (2 Large Containers)

- Kleenex (2 Large Boxes)

- Ear buds or Headphones

- Crayola Watercolor Paints

- Ziploc Bags (1 Box Quart or Gallon)

Second Grade

- Box of Crayons (24 Count)

- Box of colored markers

- Whiteboard Marker (1)

- #2 Pencils (2 dozen)

- Large Pink Eraser (1)

- Glue Sticks (4 Large) Elmer’s brand

- Scissors (Pointed Tip)

- Backpack

- School Supply Box (Regular Size)

- Disinfecting Wipes (2 Large Containers)

- Kleenex (2 Large Boxes)

- Folder With Inside Pockets (1)

- Wide-Rule Loose Leaf Paper

- Ear buds or Headphones (w/protective bag)

- Quart and Gallon size Ziploc plastic storage bags

- Liquid Glue

Third Grade

- Box of Crayons

- Colored Pencils

- #2 Pencils (2 dozen) Ticonderoga

- Large Pink Eraser (1)

- Glue Sticks (4 Large)

- Scissors (Pointed Tip)

- Backpack

- School Supply Box (Regular Size)

- Disinfecting Wipes (2 Large Containers)

- Kleenex (2 Large Boxes)

- Folders With Inside Pockets (2)

- Loose Leaf Notebook Paper (Collegiate Rule)

- 1” 3 Ring Binder (1)

- Ear buds or Headphones

- Ziploc Bags (gallon)

- 0.9 Mechanical Pencil and lead (Optional)

- Hand-held pencil sharpener (Optional)

Fourth Grade

- Box of Colored Pencils (24 Count)

- #2 Pencils (2 dozen)

- Large Pink Eraser (1)

- Glue Sticks (2 Large)

- Scissors (Pointed Tip)

- Backpack

- Loose Leaf Paper (2 Packages)

- Blue & Black Pens (2)

- Highlighter

- School Supply Box (Regular Size)

- Disinfecting Wipes (2 Large Containers)

- Kleenex (2 Large Boxes)

- Folders With Inside Pockets (6)

- Single Subject Notebooks (2)

- See-through Ruler Inches & Centimeters (1)

- See-through Protractor

- Ear buds or Headphones

- Ziploc bags (gallon or quart size, 1 box)

Fifth Grade

- Box of Colored Pencils (24 Count)

- 0.7 Mechanical Pencils (2) and refill lead

- Large Pink Eraser (1)

- Glue Sticks (1 Large)

- Backpack

- Loose Leaf Paper (2 Packages)

- Blue or Black Pen (1)

- Red Pen (1)

- School Supply Box (Regular Size)

- Disinfecting Wipes (2 Large Containers)

- Kleenex (2 Large Boxes)

- Folders With Inside Pockets (4)

- Single Subject Notebooks (2)

- Ear buds or Headphones

- 1” Binder (2)

Sixth Grade

- #2 Pencils (2 dozen)

- Large Pink Eraser (1)

- 1 1/2 “ 3 Ring Binders With Pockets (2)

- Ear buds or Headphones (optional)

- Backpack

- School Supply Box (Regular Size) (Optional)

- Disinfecting Wipes (2 Large Containers)

- Kleenex (2 Large Boxes)

- Lots of Lined Paper

Students are asked to not bring trapper keepers because they don’t fit in desks or lockers.


Here are the registration dates and other important information for students attending Central School.

Registration/open house will be held from 10 a.m.-noon, Wednesday, Aug. 26, for all new and returning students and parents/guardians. Thursday, Aug. 27 is the first day of school.

Parents/guardians and students are required to attend the registration/open house session. New policies will be discussed. Paperwork and scheduling will be completed. It is imperative each student and parent/guardian meet with Central Staff before school begins.

Student pictures will be taken Thursday, August 29th at the Libby High School. Transportation will be provided to the high school.

Photos will be used for your student files and FREE identification cards.

No hats or inappropriate dress wear. Picture retakes will be Oct. 6.

Seniors should have their color portrait photo taken early to meet the Nov. 1 LHS yearbook deadline.

The 2019-20 Libby High School Activity Ticket, which is optional, is $50.

Students participating in any activity are required to purchase a $100 activity ticket.

The 2019-20 Libby High School Year Book, which is optional, is $75. For students who prepay before May 1, 2020, the yearbook costs $60.


Here are the registration dates and other important information for students attending the Middle-High School.

For students in grades 7-8, registration will be held from 9 a.m.-noon, Wednesday, Aug. 14.

For students in grades 9-12, registration will be held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 15.

For new, exchange and makeup students, registration will be held from 9 a.m.-noon Friday, Aug. 16.

Students will need to pay any fines or account balances they have incurred in order to register.

The student and parent open house will be 5:30-7 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 23.

The first day of school is Tuesday, Aug. 27.

School photos will be taken Thursday, Aug. 29 . Retakes will be Wednesday, Oct. 16.

Seniors should have their color photo taken early to meet the Nov. 1 yearbook deadline.

Here are the following registration fees:

- Lock Deposit - $6 (7-8 only)

- Shop/Pottery Class Materials Fee - $5 (9-12 only)

- Driver Education - $250

These are optional purchases:

- Technology Assurance Plan - $8

- Middle School Parent Council Membership - $5

- Middle School Yearbook - $10

- High School Yearbook - $60

Students may reserve their yearbook and set up a payment plan. After May 1, the price is $75.

Activity Pass and Fees

High School Activity Pass Participation Fees

(Activity Pass Purchased prior to Participation)

Student- $50.00

MS Participation - $25

Individual Adult - $75

MS Participation w/HS Pass - $75

Family - $150

HS Participation w/HS Pass - $100

Family w/Participation Fee - $200

Band or Choir w/HS Pass - $50