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Legals August 2, 2019

| August 2, 2019 5:10 AM

Legal Notice Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment Overman Western Stone has filed an application with the Department of Environmental Quality for an operating permit under the Metal Mine Reclamation Act. The operating permit would authorize the quarrying of masonry stone on private land owned by Jerry Paul Overman, located on Eagle View Road, approximately 15 miles northwest of Noxon, MT (Section 17, T28N, R33W), in Sanders County. The operation would mine a talus slope to produce masonry stone for use in home construction. Approximately 1,250 tons of rock material would be excavated annually. The permit area would cover about 20 acres with up to 15 acres to be disturbed. Approximately six to eight workers would be employed. hCopies of the draft EA can be reviewed at DEQ's office at 1520 E. 6th Ave., in Helena, MT. The draft EA will also be posted on DEQ's web page: Comments must be received by September 6, 2019. For information on the project, contact: Herb Rolfes Operating Permit Section Supervisor DEQ Hard Rock Mining Bureau P.O. Box 200901 Helena, MT 59620-0901 (406) 444-3841 or email at Published In The Western News August 2, 9, & 16, 2019. MNAXLP