Saturday, March 15, 2025

Republican party ad is divisive

| October 30, 2018 4:00 AM

A recent quarter-page ad placed by the Lincoln County Republican Central Committee that contains a comparison chart and was submitted to all major area papers by Committee Treasurer JoAnn Cuffe and the local “Republicans” implies that it speaks on behalf of area Republicans. The ad is not just full of falsehoods, it is inflammatory to local Democrats, such as myself, as well as Independents and Libertarians.

I want to believe this ad was also probably shocking and an insult to so many decent local Republicans of good will. This list rife with absurdities, begins by classifying groups into what they call “Republicans vs Others.” I will only share the first item of this hit piece to identify it: It begins” Republicans (are for) Responsible Government — while “Others” (are for) Corruption, Waste, Criminality.

Really? And it gets worse from there!

In these days where division, hatred and even violence is literally called for against our neighbors from the highest office in the land, we each have a personal responsibility to identify and call these bad actors on the carpet wherever we see it. I’m appalled that President Donald Trump refused to admit that he has called for violence and applauded it after bombs were sent to two past presidents and many other high-profile Democrats. He is our leader and leadership sets a tone. We need to name it and refuse to give our tacit approval to it. This bully has continued to incite and has been getting “punched back” from Democrats. While understandable and in my opinion, much less violent in tone, this also needs to stop now. I will call people out regardless of party or anything else. This has gone too far and we all know it!

If we keep pretending everything is OK at this point, then we are part of the problem. Some will think I am a “divider” now because I’m calling out this local group who has publicly fabricated what we Democrats, Independents and Libertarians stand for. Well, it won’t fly. I am standing up in kind to refute what’s been cruelly distorted. We need to refrain from using words that twist the truth and damage each other, using words that misinform, create confusion and promote hatred and division.

I recently relocated to Libby and I was horrified to read this nasty and hateful list aimed at me and my political party. I am Catholic and absolutely not “for” abortion or for selling baby parts and frankly, although many are pro-choice, no Democrat I know is “for” either of those things. I spent 20 years of my life working for law enforcement in Arizona and would never be “for” gun confiscation or “criminality.” And to that end, I will certainly not be voting for any candidate who “body slams” their fellow citizens or those who applaud it.

Stop the hate, people. I want to live in peace and with people who show respect for each other. I refuse to believe this hit piece spoke for the truly wonderful Republicans, Independents and Democrats I’ve met so far who live in Lincoln County, the last best place.

—Laurie Boehler Walsh,
