Sunday, March 16, 2025

Working with Trump, delivering results for Montana

by Rep. Greg Gianforte
| October 22, 2018 3:55 PM

Montana is special. That’s why my wife, Susan, and I raised our four kids here. It’s why we started a business here in our home — one that created hundreds of high-paying, Montana jobs. And it’s why I ran for Congress — to protect our Montana way of life.

I’m honored to serve as your lone voice in the U.S. House of Representatives. It’s a responsibility I take very seriously.

The only way I know to do this job is stay connected with Montanans where we live, work and recreate. In my first two months in office, I met with Montanans in each of our 56 counties and haven’t stopped since.

Our country has turned a corner. Under Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, the economy sputtered, our military grew weaker, our borders were open and the federal government grew too large. The American dream fell out of reach for too many Montanans.

Today, we’re better off than we were two years ago, and we can’t afford to go back to the failed policies of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

Working with President Trump, we’ve achieved outstanding results. Our economy is thriving, our country is more secure and our communities are safer.

President Trump and Republicans cut tax rates for all hardworking Montanans and doubled the child tax credit to make it easier to start a family and raise kids.

In fact, a single, working mother of three in Helena has an extra $400 a month thanks to the tax cuts. She’s thinking about getting a new used car.

We reformed the tax code so Montana’s Main Street businesses can grow and create jobs. A small business in Billings, which operates a fleet of helicopters, is investing in new equipment as well as research and development.

Washington’s red tape has tied up Montana businesses for too long. We’ve reviewed, rolled back and repealed unnecessary Obama-era regulations.

Cutting taxes and cutting red tape are working for Montana.

Our economy is booming. The unemployment rate is at a 49-year low. Wages are growing at their highest rate in nine years. The economy has created more than 2.5 million new American jobs in the last year, including thousands in Montana.

Optimism is on the rise. Opportunities are growing. The American dream is coming into greater reach for more Montanans.

I’ve also been working with President Trump to make our country more secure and our communities safer.

We’re rebuilding our military — increasing the size of our armed forces and giving our troops the largest raise they’ve had in nine years.

We’re taking care of our veterans, so they have reliable access to the high-quality care they earned.

We’re equipping law enforcement to combat illegal drugs that are tearing apart our families and communities, and we’re promoting treatment and recovery efforts for addicts.

We’re ending human trafficking, a modern form of slavery that targets young women and innocent children.

I will always put Montana first, and I’m working with President Trump to protect our way of life. My first bill signed into law protects public access to our public lands.

I will always defend the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Montanans against the threats of progressive politicians and liberal special interest groups.

Having a seat at the table with President Trump has helped me deliver results for Montana, and I’m proud of what we’re achieving — a booming economy, a more secure America, and safer communities.

Ultimately, this election is about competing ideas — do you want someone who has achieved results with President Trump or someone who will be part of the resistance mob, standing alongside Nancy Pelosi and against President Trump?

I humbly ask for your vote.

Greg Gianforte represents Montana in the U.S. House of Representatives.