Sunday, March 16, 2025

Rosendale loyal to insurers, not the insured

| October 22, 2018 3:55 PM

Matt Rosendale was elected as insurance commissioner so that he could protect Montana consumers and regulate the insurance industry so it doesn’t exploit us. Instead, Rosendale hired an insurance industry lobbyist to run his office, fundraised from insurance executives, and just this week, introduced new health care plans that can deny coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Just a few months ago, Rosendale said on the campaign trail that he was going to protect coverage for pre-existing conditions. I also remember him getting called out because he was pushing for policies that do exactly the opposite. Now, we’re seeing it again — Rosendale uses his office as insurance commissioner to do the bidding of his insurance company donors and push these “junk” insurance plans that can refuse to cover the life-saving care of folks who need it the most.

We’ve seen where Rosendale’s loyalties lie, and it’s not with working Montana families. It’s with the people who can cut him big checks. If Rosendale were really looking out for Montanans, he would be fighting for the 152,000 Montanans that have pre-existing conditions and need a champion looking out for them and protecting them from exploitative health insurance companies. Instead, Rosendale’s thrown those Montanans under the bus.

Vote for Jon Tester to ensure that your own and your family’s pre-existing conditions are covered.

—Gerry Stearns,
