Saturday, March 15, 2025

Tester is 'solid as a rock'

| October 19, 2018 4:00 AM

Someone who has worked with Jon Tester once told me that he is “solid as a rock,” meaning he is honest and true to his word. I couldn’t agree more.

As an attorney for VA Montana for 21 years at Fort Harrison, I had occasion to refer veterans who needed help with VA related issues to Senator Tester’s office. The feedback from those veterans was almost always positive.

When VA Montana’s long time Director was replaced by a person who was totally incompetent to serve in that position, I turned to Senator Tester’s office for assistance and had the opportunity to meet with Jon several times in a small groups. I was always impressed with Senator Tester’s patience, pertinent questions, and persistence in helping persuade the Agency to make some necessary changes.

To me, the number one problem in Washington is the inability of the two parties to work together. Jon Tester has consistently shown his ability to work with both sides of the aisle. Despite his opponent’s misleading ads, this term Jon has been successful in shepherding the passage of 10 bills that help veterans.

Jon Tester remains solid as a rock in representing the Montanans in Washington.

—Charlie Hail,
