Sunday, March 16, 2025

Rosendale against covering preexisting conditions

| October 19, 2018 4:00 AM

It is clear that the current healthcare system in America is not working. Some say it is because of the Affordable Care Act and others say it is because of pharmaceutical and insurance companies. Preexisting conditions need to be covered regardless of your belief in what is wrong with the system. If you don’t have a preexisting condition, you certainly know someone who does. Preexisting conditions include illnesses like cancer and diabetes.

The egregious cost of care required for preexisting conditions can cripple Montana families. This last week as insurance commissioner, Matt Rosendale celebrated the introduction of “junk” health insurance plans that can refuse to cover preexisting conditions to our state.

Rosendale has consistently pushed for these “junk” health insurance plans. These plans have the potential of denying coverage to 152,000 Montanans with preexisting conditions.

Last year, Rosendale attended a fundraiser with insurance industry executives, who also contributed to his campaign, that were pushing for the same kind of short-term health insurance plans.

We need a senator who recognizes the burden preexisting conditions can have on Montana families and who also recognizes that insurance plans that deny this coverage are not in the best interest of Montana. Matt Rosendale is not that senator.

—Kylar Clifton,
