Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rosendale is for 'We the People'

| October 16, 2018 4:00 AM

And the smear campaign against Matt Rosendale, orchastrated by our Democrat senator, continues.

He talks about the money insurance companies have given to Matt Rosendale’s campaign but fails to mention that he has received more than three times that amount. Insurance companies have given Tester $100,000 this election cycle alone. It is there for everybody to see at

There is all this petty stuff that our U.S. Senator is lying about but the fact is Matt is for freedom. That is what is the most important to me. Matt believes “We the People” should keep more of our money through tax cuts. Matt believes to lower the deficit the government should quit spending. There is a lot of waste in the government like giving money to Planned Parenthood for abortion.

Our current U.S. Senator thinks we need to tax people more in order to lower the deficit. In his view “We the People” are too greedy and too stupid to figure it out so the government needs to help us.

Another thing to remember is that Tester has more people in his county vote against him than for him. The people that know him best don’t support him.

I am voting for Matt Rosendale because of his view on “We the People.” Please join me in voting for Matt Rosendale for U.S. Senate.

—Steve Hinebauch,
