Sunday, March 16, 2025

Rosendale bad for Montanans with preexisting conditions

| October 12, 2018 4:00 AM

Matt Rosendale may try to claim that he fights for Montanans with preexisting conditions. There is no other way to put it: this is simply not true. One look at his record proves that he wouldn’t be the advocate that our 152,000 Montanans with preexisting conditions need in the U.S. Senate.

Rosendale has consistently pushed for the repeal of the law protecting Montanans with preexisting conditions. And as state insurance commissioner, Rosendale has fought to expand short-term, or “junk,” health insurance plans that can deny coverage to Montanans with preexisting conditions. Last week, he succeeded in bringing those expanded plans to our state.

Buyer, beware. If you’re one of 152,000 Montanans with a preexisting condition like asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, or any other host of preexisting conditions, these junk plans will leave you high and dry to foot the astronomical medical bills on your own. It’s enough to make any family go broke.

Montanans must read between the lines and realize Rosendale is not being honest about what he fights for. He will say one thing to get your vote, and do another thing to get his donors’ money.

Choose wisely this November!

—Betsy Swartz,
