Saturday, March 15, 2025

Town Pump in Troy is progress

| October 5, 2018 4:00 AM

To the editor:

Travelers passing through the city of Troy have few reasons to stop and spend money. Maybe a great cup of coffee at the Main Street Perk or a bottle of aspirin at Kootenai Drug. But the main reason drivers stop is to buy fuel, and today they are not likely to do so in Troy.

A traveler with a car full of kids, or a truck pulling a trailer, or anyone with enough fuel to press on to Libby or Bonners will do so. The existing fuel options in Troy are not inviting. The buildings are tired, so few long-haulers stop. They take their money to Libby.

When a traveler stops for gas, they are much more likely to also grab a sandwich at the Silver Spur, or stay the night at one of our motels. As it stands today, the decision is easy. Keep going and find a clean, well-lit, convenient place to stop and spend money.

The Town Pump is offering a solution. They will spend big bucks to build an outstanding facility. Locals and travelers will both appreciate the vastly improved access. Kids will be able to safely leave cars. Nearby businesses will benefit every day.

Troy needs to support every possible strategy that will slow down the vast majority of drivers who pass right through town without stopping. A great gas station is ideal. Let’s allow The Town Pump to help us.

More jobs. More tax revenue. More visitors. Please give progress a chance.

—Ted Deatrick,
