Saturday, March 15, 2025

Now, how about Tester for president?

| November 30, 2018 3:00 AM

I was pleased to see the weight of the presidency couldn’t tip the scales against our Senator Tester, maybe the only real farmer in the Senate. Jon won because of his work record, of course, although a few more visits by the presidential entourage may have beaten authenticity and common sense. To the wary Montanan, Trump’s charisma was getting thing by the third or fourth visit. More than anything, this defeat makes Donald Trump, not the presidency, look weak. A working man from a remote state turns back an expensive political vendetta by the Republican darling Trump.

Gee, couldn’t a man of this caliber sit in that seat himself? Being a small state doesn’t matter, look at Clinton and Gore.

Tester is just not photogenic, with which I sympathize, and looks better in work clothes than cleaned up. As the late Jim Thompson, TV star, governor of Illinois, and one time presidential candidate said, “Politics is show business for ugly people.” In Tester’s defense, Montana could claim the biggest president since Taft. Better stop there.

— Ron Carter, Libby