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| November 20, 2018 3:00 AM

n I would find a turkey in the woods. I would catch it with a net. Then I would go home cook it for 10 minutes on warm. Then I would take it out of the oven. I would make ice-cream to eat after dinner. I like ice cream after dinner! My Mom, Dad, Katie, Jake, and my cousin Zurry, and Norra eat dinner with me. After dinner we ear ice-cream and play with toys.

— Kiara, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n To get a turkey you catch it at a farm when you run really fast, You cook it in the store for 10 minutes in a really hot oven. We set the table with a football in the middle. Awe will eat donuts, ice-cream, and cupcakes with a candle in it. I eat turkey dinner with my turkey family. After dinner I go out to play with my cousins and come back and eat dinner again.

— Rezerah, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n I go to the woods and shoot it. Then, we put it in the garage and eat it by I think cooking it for 16 hours at really hot. Let it cool down and eat it. I will eat grapes and salad with it. I will eat with my grandma and my other grandma and grandpa, and oh my other grandpa too. After we eat, we go to bed.

— Kinley I., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n I would go to a farmer’s place and ask the farmer for a turkey. I would cook it in an oven for 20 minutes and it will be warm. And then I would eat it for dinner with my family. I would eat some chocolate milk and oranges maybe. After dinner, we play.

— Acton F., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n I will get a turkey at my aunt’s house. I will put it in a pan and in the stove on hot, hot for 45. I will put hot sauce on it. Use like these mittens and grab it and put it on the table. There is going to be like the turkey stickers on the windows. Put on more food like vegetables and that’s all to eat. All our family will be there except for the ones that are out of town. We will have chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

— Gavin, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n I would get a turkey from the store with a beak. Cut it in half in all the pieces and put it in the pan with some salt and the baking stuff. Put it on the stove that is kinda warm and kinda hot and cook it for 206 minutes. You put it on a plate and go eat it at the table with applesauce and fruit and ham. My friend and his parents will come to our house and we will have strawberries and cream for dessert.

— Layne, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n Get a turkey from the forest and cut off the feathers and take the meat out. Walk home and put it in the stove. Cook it 4 hours on 10. Take the meat to the table. Have salad and sauce on plates and eat it with my friends. Have a chocolate cookie for dessert.

— Cason, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n You are going to get a turkey from your neighborhood. You cut the wings off and cut the legs off and the head off. Then you have turkey. Put it in the oven at too hot a temperature. Then you eat the turkey with Acton. You eat it with potatoes and orange juice. After dinner watch TV and play on our phones and do errands.

— Ella F., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n I will kill a turkey at my house and get the feathers off and put it in the oven. I will put butter on it and cook it for 6 minutes on really hot. Take it out and cut it up and put it on a plate. I will have sweet potatoes and soup with a little bit of bread with it. I will invite Grandma and Papa to eat with us and we will have coconut cake and pink frosting cupcakes for dessert.

— Abbigale, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n You usually shoot it in the wild, bring it home, and cook it in the toaster thing. Cook it for 15 minutes and then another minute or so. Then, you eat it with family. Use forks. Then, play in the house.

— Waylon K., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n I will shoot a turkey in the woods and cut it and take the feathers off. Take it home and cook it in the stove for 6 minutes on hot hot like fire. Put it on the table and have pickles, marsh mellows, olives, and some crackers with it. I will invite all my class and teacher to come and we will have fruit roll-ups for dessert.

— Kolter, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n My dad and mom always buy turkeys at the store. My mom and dad help me cook it. Put it on one and cook for three. Eat with forks. My sisters, my mom, and my aunt eat with me. After we eat, wash our hands.

— Addissun S., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n You go in the jungle and you grab a gun, put your eye on the scope and shoot it. Grab a knife, hang it up, cut it, and put it on the pan. Put some sugar on and cook for 3 days. It should be 24 degrees hot. I eat it with my family and then I go to bed.

— Wyatt B., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n I would shoot it and cook it in the oven. I have no idea how long to cook it but it should probably be 12 hot. Then you eat it with salt and pepper and some French fries. I eat it with my Grandma, Uncle, Papa, Abby, Mommy, Daddy and me. Then, we watch TV.

— Trenton U., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n You have to draw a tag first and then go in the woods to find one big enough. Then you kill it and filet it. You cook it with a stove for like 30 seconds and eat it with a plate and a fork. I eat it with my family and then we bake brownies. After dinner, we go in the bath and go to bed.

— Hunter B., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n You could go in the woods and then get your gun out of the car and shoot it. You have to cook it a little bit hotter because its for Thanksgiving. You can have apples and fruits and vegetables with it. Everyone eats dinner with me! My army Grandpa does too! After dinner, we can do what we want like play games or play with toys.

— Kason C., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n You find a turkey in the wild and shoot it with a shotgun. Then you take it home in a truck. You freeze the turkey and then cook it in a microwave. You eat it with spices and jalapenos and mini tacos. I eat dinner with my family. After dinner I clean up and go to bed.

— Braxton F., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n Well I would find a turkey in the woods over by a round house. I cook it with an oven; I don’t know how long, but very hot. Then eat it! With the turkey I would eat a hamburger. All my family and my huge brother named Tyler would eat it with me. After dinner we can play or do stuff. We can eat dessert too, I love that!

— Isaiah, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n I would find a turkey in the woods. We could go around and look out the window and see a feather trail to follow it. Then we could get an oven and put it in and slice it up and turn on the stove really hot. Then we could put a lid on it bake it for one hour. Then when its done we could get it with my family and someone named Ruble and Lane and Ian. Then when we share it we will eat mashed potatoes and get ice cream and a burger at Mc Donald’s and eat the ice cream for dessert. After dinner we go play with our friends and get our ice cream.

— Kyleigh, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n To get a turkey we would bring our truck and guns and we will go in the woods and shoot it. Then we will cook our turkey in the oven for 15 hours at 60 degrees. We will eat dinner with forks. With our turkey we will eat salad and potatoes. Me my sister , my mom and dad will all eat together. After dinner we take a bath and go to bed.

— Lindsae, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n I would go to a farm and buy a turkey. I would cook in the oven. I would cook it for 5 and 10 minutes. Then we make cookies. We eat a lot of cookies and put cherries on top of them. We eat with mom, and papa, and the family. Then we go to bed.

— Jacob, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n You would find a turkey in the woods. Put it in the oven for 20 minutes very, very hot, but not fire hot. Then take it out of the oven and take the bones out. We will eat salad with our turkey. My mom and my babysitter and Donald will eat with me. After dinner we paint t-rex’s and play games.

— Parker, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n My mom would get a turkey for me and I would put it in a cage. I would use a pan to cook it for 2 hours for 3 hots. Then I would eat it up in my tummy. I would also eat chips, and a hamburger with ice-cream when my dad cooks it. My brother will eat with me. After dinner I go to bed with my jammie’s, like wonder women jammie’s.

— Leah, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n I would get a turkey at the store and take it home. I would put powder and salt and very hot salt on it and I would cook it in the microwave for about 2 years. I would put it on a plate and put it at the table. I would have salad and potatoes with it. I would invite my friend and we would have chocolate ice cream for dessert.

— Zoey, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n I would just find a turkey in the wild. I would go to my house and skin the skin off and then get everything out and then put some seasoning salt and some salt on it and cook it on 4 for about 1 hour. I would cut it up and serve it to my family. We would have macaroni, and cow steak with it. And salt and peppers on the cow steak.

— Bryson, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n I will get a turkey at the store, take it home and cut it up and put it in the oven. Put salt on it and cook it for 30 hours not very much hot. Use gloves to take it out of the oven and put salt, pepper, and chicken nuggets on it and eat it with a fork and chop it and eat it with rice. And some ice cream and cake too. My grandma will come and grandpa.

— Prudence, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n I think we will get the turkey from Montana. If it is little, I am going to chop his head off and eat the meat. You’re supposed to cook meat and wash it before you eat it, cuz it has blood. Cook it for 1 minute on a little bit hot. Get some clippers and put it on a plate and eat it at the table. Have some milk to drink and some noodles if you buy them, and Ice cream for dessert.

— Gabby, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n I would get a turkey at where you shoot them. Drive it home. We bake it in the wooden stove at Grandma’s house for 100 hours really hot. Put water on it and sqeeze it all over the turkey when you cook it. Put it in a big pot and cut it all up and set it on the table. Have corn on the cob, pumpkin pie, green beans and two more plates of turkey.

— Kylina, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n I don’t know if me or my family will catch a turkey. If we do, then we will take the feathers off and then take the legs off and cook it at a camp place. We can roast it in a pot on a stove thing that is really hot for 45 seconds. Eat it on a plate with mashed potatoes and gravy and broccoli. And something that is really good for my parents is they can have tomatoes, but I don’t like them. My grandparents and great-grand parents and my great-great-great grand parents and cousins will come. And something that will be really good for dessert is we will have apple pie.

— Kayleigh, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n Get a turkey at the store and go back home and cook it in the oven. Turn up the oven for 18 to 20 minutes. Turn off the heat and put it on the counter just to cool down. Cut up the turkey and put it on a plate. Have some potatoes and put some delicious gravy on them. Then some corn that’s in a pot with just one handle. For dessert, have strawberry pockies, which is a strawberry on a pretzel stick with frosting on it. My friends will come to my house.

— Evelynn, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n I would ride my bike and get a turkey and cook it at the store in their oven with salt on it. I would eat the whole turkey and I have apple sauce and grapes. I would have ice cream for dessert.

— Fiona, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n I will get a turkey from Rosauers and put it in my stove and put it on for one solid hour on really hot until the skin falls off, so I can just eat the meat first. I would cook the gravy to put on it and oranges and strawberries and have my friends come over. Then we will have yogurt with cookies on the side so you can dip the cookies in it.

— Elijah, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n I will get a turkey from the woods. As soon as you see one you shoot it and bring it home. Fluff it and take all the feathers off and put it on the stove to cook it. Put a little pepper on it and cook pretty hot for 5 minutes. Set the table and eat it with mashed potatoes and salad. Grandma and Grandpa will come to dinner and we will have chocolate ice cream for dessert.

— Lakyn, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n You need to shoot a turkey and bring it home. You need to get some stuff to cook it, like pepper and salt, corn and pineapple and pepperoni, and sauce. You put it in a bowl and cook it for 7 minutes pretty hot. Let it cool down and then you eat it. Have it with potatoes and popcorn. I want my friends and class to come and we will have pink cupcakes for dessert.

— Issabella, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

n You find a turkey at a farm. It cooks forever at a really hot temperature. Eat the turkey with milk. I eat dinner with my mom and dad and sister and brother. We play after dinner and then go to bed.

— Tristyn B., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n You find a turkey in the woods. Sometimes it takes 10 or 7 hours at a kind of hot temperature. You eat the turkey with other meat with my family. All I do after I eat is have dessert and play with my friends and cousins.

— Hudson C., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n You shoot a turkey then you cook it for 10 minutes at 10 degrees. Eat your turkey with mashed potatoes. I eat dinner with my family. After eating turkey I brush my teeth and go to bed.

— Emma G., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n First you go into the woods and get the turkey and then you bring it to your house. Cook it for 20 minutes at 10 degrees. Take out the turkey and I’ll eat it with my mom and dad and Hud and me. We eat mashed up potatoes. After dinner we throw it away and play.

— Finley H., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n You get a turkey from the woods. Put seasoning and salt and pepper for 20 minutes in the oven. After you cook it, eat it with your friends. I eat carrots and ranch and grapes with my turkey. After dinner we play outside.

— Hank M., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

You shoot a turkey and then put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 20 degrees. After you cook it, put gravy on it. I n eat dinner with my sister and dad and mom. Then, I play for a little bit and then brush my teeth and put my pajamas on and go to bed.

— Lawson P., Mrs. Grotjohn’s Kindergarten Class

n I would go to a farm and catch a turkey. Then I would get salt, cook it for 30 minutes, use some milk, at 1 degrees. We will drink milk and eat chicken with turkey. Damion gets forks, Liz gets plates and we eat and wash dishes. We eat turkey with our family. We all go to bed after we eat.

— James, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n Well I would get a turkey if we could make like a paper one and you like buy a chicken and you could buy other dinners with it. I would like put my turkey in the oven for like ten minutes, like enough hot that we could eat it and it would be good for us to eat hot food because my mom does. Then we could get some more meat and mix it up with it and it would tasty like a chicken dinner. We could eat like a carrot with turkey and some fruit with milk. Who would eat with me would be my best friend, my mom and my dad even though I don’t get to see him much. After dinner we would maybe go home and maybe go to my friend’s house.

— Shandrea, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n I would find a turkey in the woods. I would grab a shot gun to get it. Then I would put it the oven for two minutes, really hot. Then I will share my dinner with my mom and my family. We will have turkey and ham for dinner and cookies for dessert. After dinner we go to bed and wake up for school.

— Jennifer, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n We would go out in the woods to get a turkey. Then put it in the oven for 10 minutes. I would put on salt. We would eat green beans with the turkey. My mom, dad, brother, grandpa, and grandma would eat it too. After dinner we would watch TV.

— Juliet, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n To get a turkey you have to go out to a barn and find one, but it’s tricky to find. Then it cook on stove and wait until done. You have to heat it up. If you hear the ding sound then its done. I will eat it with salsa because my favorite kind is spicy and I like it! I will eat it with my dad, but sometimes I eat to much. Then we will watch a movie and maybe eat chicken nuggets after I eat all that.

— Collin, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n For Thanksgiving we will hunt in the woods for our turkey. To cook it you start the stove and put it on the stove for 2 minutes until it boils. Then Grandma makes other food like mashed potatoes and bacon with our turkey and I will watch TV. My Grandma, Skyler, Willow, Brett, Kendra and me will have fun at dinner and then we will go play outside.

— Judy Patton-Huffman, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n You find a turkey in the woods. Dad puts the turkey in a pan and cooks it for awhile in a little bit hot oven. He puts it on a plate; we eat pineapple and green beans with our turkey. My Dad and mom, Grandma and grandpa all eat with me. After dinner I play hide and seek outside.

— Ilyah, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n I would find a turkey at the store. I cook it with a stove for 5 hours, then take it out of the stove and eat it. We eat steak, green beans “green beans are my favorite, they make me strong” and mashed potatoes. Mommy, daddy, and Philly eat with me. After I eat I get a drink, wash my hands, and watch TV.

— Lanni, Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten Class

n I will have chicken from the store. It looks like bones and I cook it in my stove on hot for 5 with nothing on it. I will have it with chicken noodle soup. My Alma and Justin will come to my house. And we will have fries. And then I will play with my sister.

— Swayze, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n I would get a turkey from a forest and kill it. Peel the skin off and go to my grandma’s house. Bring it inside and bake it 5 minutes with the oven really hot. Take it out and put it on a plate. We can eat it on the couch. And I will have a big, big, big apple with it. And apples for dessert. My big sister and mom will be there, and my little sister.

— Justice, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

n I will get a turkey at the store and cook it in a pan on the stove 10 to 20 minutes. I will put turkey seasoning on it. Take it off the stove and let it cool down. After a while you can eat it at the table. Have plates and forks with cookies for dessert. Grandma will come eat with us.

— Eli W., Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

I think I will ask Grandma and Grandpa and some friends to come to our house. We will butcher a couple of our chickens or get a turkey from the store. Bake it for 11 minutes on very hot with nothing on it. Get it out onto a plate and put it on the table. We will probably have mashed potatoes and biscuits, and carrot cake for dessert.

— Trevor, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

Get turkey from the store and cook it in the kitchen. Cook it in the hot oven. Put in a bowl and on the table. I eat with my family and we have chocolate chip cookies.

— Taylor, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

I will get a turkey from Rosauers and buy it and go home with it. Cut it up and put it in the oven with salt and pepper. Cook it pretty much for half and hour on really hot. Take it out and eat it right there when nobody knows. Then we will have a banana and a sandwich and salad because those are all healthy things. Papa and Grandpa will be there with my family. Then chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

— Carter, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

Get a turkey from the store. Cook it at my home in the kitchen in the microwave for 40 minutes. Take it out and eat it at the table. Have some water, broccoli, and chicken nuggets. My family will eat with me.

— Teegan, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

We will get a turkey at the store and cook it at our house. Put salt and pepper on it. Put it in an oven that is really hot for I think like 2 minutes. Pull it out and let it cool down and bring it out of the pan and put it on some plates. We will have it with some ice-cream and carrots and green beans. Our family will be there.

— Kyndall, Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Class

I think I am going to get a turkey from a farm and cut it up into meat. Put it in the stove on super hot for 20 hours. Take it out and cut it up for dinner at the table. Have potatoes and green beans and noodles. My friends would come to my house and we will have chocolate spice for dessert.

— Izaac, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

You kill a turkey in the woods and get the meat by cutting it. Then bring it home and cook it in the stove on warm until it beeps. Take it out of the stove and put it on a plate at the table. Have some carrots and mashed potatoes and gravy. Our friends will come eat with us and have cake for dessert.

— Rebel, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

I will get a turkey at the farm and put him in the oven with salt on him. Cook him on a lot hot for 5 minutes. Take him out and sit down at the table to eat him. Also have some cottage cheese and corn, cuz those are my favorite things. My grandma will come to my house and we will have brownies with chocolate frosting for dessert.

— Ethan, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

I will get a turkey from the farm and take the feathers off and put him in the oven with oil on it. The oven will be kinda hot and cook 8 minutes. Take it out and go to the other room and put it on a plate. Then get a fork and eat it. I want my teacher to come and we will also have chips, but no cheese. We will have yogurt for dessert.

— Gavin, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class

Shoot a turkey woods and put him in a bag and take it home. Cut off the feathers and beak. Cook it in the grill on 10 for 15 hours and watch it so it doesn’t get on fire or burned. Get a plate out and let it cool. Cut it and take it to the dinner table. Have mashed potatoes, gravy, and milk with it. I will invite my Aunties and we will have chocolate cake for dessert.

— Lauryn, Miss Comb’s Kindergarten Class