Sunday, March 16, 2025

Our kids set a great example

| November 9, 2018 3:00 AM

Recently I had the honor of working the Kootenai Rotary Trunk or Treat event at Central School. My sister witches and I love doing this outreach event for our community; seeing all of the kids dressed for Halloween really makes the work and sometimes not-so-great weather worth it.

This year’s event was no exception, in fact it was awesome — because of your kids! Over 500 kids ranging in age from babies to 18 years and older came through our station and every single one of them said thank you. These kids were so polite and kind, they really deserve credit for being so awesome, even the ones who were not with a parent or guardian! We even tried to give some kids candy twice and they would politely say “No thank you, I was here before, I’m just walking through again with my friend.”


Our youth here in our community is amazing and I wanted to just say “Thank you” to them for being such a pleasure to be around. They are all awesome in my book.

—Dusti L. Thompson,

CARD Clinic,
