Saturday, March 15, 2025

Spring is for the birds

by Photos John Blodgett Western News
| March 27, 2018 4:00 AM


Ravens cluster about in the vicinity of a young bald eagle and a red-tailed hawk near Libby Creek at 5th Street Extension on Saturday, March 24, 2108. (John Blodgett/The Western News)


A hooded merganser swims away from the intruding photographer near Libby Creek at 5th Street Extension on Saturday, March 24, 2108. (John Blodgett photos/The Western News)


Common and hooded mergansers and American wigeons float about beneath lightly falling snow on one of the old mill ponds near Libby Creek at 5th Street Extension on Saturday, March 24, 2108. (John Blodgett/The Western News)


Startled by a passing train, a young bald eagle takes flight from a tree next to one of the old mill ponds near Libby Creek at 5th Street Extension on Saturday, March 24, 2108. (John Blodgett/The Western News)


A red-winged blackbird sings near one of the old mill ponds near Libby Creek at 5th Street Extension on Saturday, March 24, 2108. (John Blodgett/The Western News)

Bird activity has only recently increased in and around the old timber mill ponds where 5th Street Extension meets Libby Creek, with ice-covered waters a not-so-distant memory. Yet the light snow fall on Saturday suggested that Old Man Winter hasn’t quite left us.