Sunday, March 16, 2025

Libby VFW posting flags, asking community to engage for Vietnam War Veteran's Day

by The Western News
| March 27, 2018 4:00 AM

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1548 will be posting flags around Libby in honor of Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29.

Post 1548 is requesting that others post their American flags as well, and shake the hand of and thank any Vietnam veteran they meet.

The holiday was first proclaimed on March 29, 2012, by President Barack Obama. In 2017, President Donald Trump signed the law giving official recognition as a national holiday.

According to a release from Post 1548, American involvement in Vietnam officially began Nov. 1, 1955, as recognized by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

OVer 2.7 million service members served in Vietnam between then and the signing of the Paris Peace Accords Jan. 27, 1973. The National Archives has records of 58,220 service members who died in Vietnam.

In addition to the physical and emotional trauma of war, many veterans encountered to condemnation from fellow Americans due to perceptions of the war, according to the release.

A study by The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Veterans Center at the New York University Langone Medical Center concluded that 11 percent — around 271,000 — Vietnam Veterans show signs of or have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress.

As a result, Post 1548 is encouraging members of the community to reach out to and show their support for veterans of Vietnam.