Sunday, March 16, 2025

Questions about Troy Town Pump expansion

| March 9, 2018 3:00 AM

To the editor:

First of all, I am not completely against the Town Pump proposal. Please understand, I admire the goals for economic growth and supporting businesses downtown. I am not against local landowners or others that could stand to gain financially in this development. I am, opposed to the location of the planned expansion. The only power I have in this is to share my concerns with the council.

People of Troy should not have the “2nd street shut down” shoved down their throats. They care about what happens in their town and want a say in it.

The gateway to Montana from the west will be “the Town Pump!”

People stopping at the Town Pump, will as one person mentioned, “will be fleeced.” The store is doubling its size. Tourists can stop for gas, grab a coffee, maybe a hot dog. Local businesses providing similar services further down the street will be bypassed.

How will the local residents be affected by the construction? I believe there will be heavy trucks traveling in and out, heavy equipment running, probably flaggers and heavy congestion during the renovation on Highway 2. Let’s be honest, this will not be a quiet renovation or a swift renovation.

I believe the construction workers will be brought in. I have not been told if locals will be able to bid on any of the jobs for the renovation.

Will there be established work schedules minimizing the noise and congestion for the residents in the immediate build zone? Many questions unanswered.

Do we have a dog in this fight or is it a done deal?

—Tish Burris
