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Western News wins six Better Newspaper Contest awards

by Benjamin Kibbey Western News
| June 19, 2018 4:00 AM


This photo of Shawn Best II of Omak, Washington, competing in Incredi-Bull at Libby’s J. Neils Park in June 2017, won first place in the best sports photo category. (John Blodgett/The Western News file photo)


Published Nov. 7, 2017, John Blodgett’s coverage of the SK Fingerjoint fire in Libby won second place in three categories: best front page, best breaking news story and best news photo. (The Western News file photo)


This photo of Logger shortstop Jesse Dunham tagging out Peyton won second place in the best sports photo category. (Paul Sievers/The Western News file photo)

The Western News took several awards for division two newspapers in the Montana Newspaper Association’s annual Better Newspaper Contest, announced Sunday, for coverage of investigative and breaking news, as well as photography and layout.

“Resigning Libby Chamber president falsified resume, has forgery and identity fraud convictions,” by John Blodgett, won first place in the investigative news story category.

“20 left jobless after fire destroys Libby mill,” by Blodgett, won second place for breaking news story and second place for best news photo.

In layout, the Nov. 7, 2017 issue with the mill fire story on the front page, laid out by Blodgett, won second place for best front page.

In best sports photo, Blodgett took first place with a photo from the 2017 Incredi-Bull, and Paul Sievers won second place with a photo of Libby Loggers shortstop Jesse Dunham.

The full list of awards and winners can be found at