Sunday, March 16, 2025

Rep. Gianforte staffing office hours in Libby June 26

by The Western News
| June 19, 2018 4:00 AM

The office of Rep. Greg Gianforte has announced that staffers will hold mobile office hours in western Montana counties, including Lincoln County.

Staffer Brett Simons will be in Libby beginning 9 a.m. Tuesday, June 26, in the Commissioners Conference Room in the Lincoln County Courthouse at 512 California Ave.

Residents can visit individually with Simons to “share their views, questions or concerns regarding the federal government … (or) inquire about federal programs or seek help with a federal agency, such as the Social Security Administration or the Veterans Administration,” a news release states.

Residents can either stop by that day to visit with Simon or call 406-502-1435 to make an appointment.

Comments will be shared with the congressman, the news release states.