Saturday, March 15, 2025

Libby Rock Crushers knock 'em down

by Benjamin Kibbey Western News
| June 12, 2018 4:00 AM


Libby Rock Crushers member Chase Benner shoots sporting clays during the Scholastic Clay Target Program’s Western Regionals. Benner emerged as the JV sporting clays champion. (Courtesy photo)

The Libby Rock Crushers Scholastic Clay Target Program team came away from the Western Regionals with several wins and honors, including the High Overall Event Championship for highest total combined score in trap, skeet and sporting clays.

Isaac O’Rourke won High Overall Individual, with the highest skeet score as well as the highest scores in his division for both trap and sporting clays.

Walker Mills won the Overall Sporting Clays Championship and Austin Rasmussen won the Varsity Sporting Clays Champion and was runner up in varsity skeet.

Isaac Morely was runner up in sporting clays for his division.

In junior varsity, Chase Benner won junior varsity Sporting Clays Champion and Maverick Owens won junior varsity Skeet Champion and was runner up in sporting clays.

Austin Ihrig was runner up for junior varsity trap and Nate Pomaroy was runner up for junior varsity skeet.

For intermediate, Ethan Morely won the Intermediate Entry Sporting Clays Champion and Trap Champion. Anna-Marie Kebschull won the Intermediate Advance Lady Champion in both trap and skeet.

Head Coach Mike Cirian said he was proud of the performance of the group of young athletes.

Though not directly affiliated with the school systems, the program maintains similar requirements as other scholastic programs for maintaining grades, Cirian said.

In addition to their accomplishments at the range, more than one of his athletes have excelled in their school work as well, motivated in part by their love of the sport, he said.

“It is very rewarding seeing these young folks excel in a sport I love,” Cirian said by email. “It is also great to know there is another generation of shooters coming along to help keep the sport alive.”

Cirian expressed gratitude for the support from community members for the athletes during the winter league trap and skeet, including covering costs.

He added a special thanks to assistant Coach Tom Bailey, “For all his help, time and expertise he has shared with the team.”

The team meets regularly at the Lincoln County Shooting Complex on Farm to Market Road, with athletes shooting about 100 targets a week during the January to March regular season for the scholastic program.

The program is open to students from eight years old through college, Cirian said.

The next event for the club is the state shoot held in Missoula and Polson on Saturday, June 23, and Sunday, June 24, he said.

“In today’s day and age, seeing kids doing something with firearms, meant to be done, to see something positive coming out of it is very rewarding,” Cirian said.

Anyone interested in joining the Libby Rock Crushers can get more information by calling Cirian at 406-293-4608.