Sunday, March 16, 2025

Fish, Wildlife and Parks news: baby animals, free fishing

by The Western News
| June 12, 2018 4:00 AM

Please leave baby animals alone

Each spring, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks receives several calls from people who have picked up deer fawns or other wildlife. FWP no longer accepts, holds or rehabilitates ungulates like deer, moose and elk because the animals often die from the stress of captivity, and because of concerns with the spread of disease.

There are many cases in which good intentions lead to dire consequences. One spring in Miles City, a person saw a fledgling bald eagle hopping around on the ground, which is normal behavior as they learn to fly. Thinking the bird was injured, the person threw a blanket over it and brought it to the FWP office. The eagle escaped and flew in the opposite direction of the nest, and it’s not known if it returned.

In a more high-profile case in Yellowstone National Park two years ago, a bison calf was picked up and transported by tourists who believed it had been abandoned. The calf ultimately had to be euthanized because it couldn’t be reunited with the herd and continued to approach people and vehicles.

To prevent outcomes like this, FWP emphasizes that all wildlife species and their young should be left in the wild. If you see a young animal alone or injured, whether a goose or a grizzly, keep your distance. It is illegal to possess and care for most live animals taken from the wild.

Animals often thrive without our intervention, and their odds of surviving in the wild are much greater if they are left alone. Once young animals are picked up by people, they usually can’t be rehabilitated. People handling wildlife also injure themselves or the animal, or habituate it to humans, potentially causing problems if the animal is released back into the wild.

It’s natural for deer, elk and other animals to leave their young alone for extended periods of time. What appears to be an orphaned animal may not be, but chances are the mother will not return while humans are present. Fawns are seldom orphaned, but if they are, another doe may add them to the group. In eight to 10 days, a fawn will have sufficient rumen development to potentially survive on its own by nibbling grass. Young fawns have no body odor, which lessens their appeal to predators. Their spots also help to camouflage them while their mothers stash them to feed.

If you have dogs, please be careful to keep your dog under control, especially in the spring when newborn wildlife is most vulnerable. Pet owners can be cited and dogs that harass or kill wildlife may by law have to be destroyed.

If an animal truly needs rehabilitation, can be helped and is a species known to respond positively to human treatment, FWP does have a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Helena. But an intake policy governs what animals are permitted, and space and staff are limited. Again, because of disease and stress, the center does not accept any ungulates. Should someone bring a deer or elk to FWP, they will be asked to take the animal back to the site where it was found. If the animal can’t be returned, it may have to be humanely euthanized.

The center also does not take animals considered rabies vectors, such as raccoons, bats or foxes. Some raptors are accepted given their established ability to be rehabilitated, but game species like geese and ducks are not. The center takes orphaned bears and mountain lions, but mountain lions cannot be released into the wild and options are limited.

If you see what you think is an injured or solitary young animal in the wild, keep your distance and monitor the animal. As a wildlife agency, FWP’s priority is to keep wild animals wild, and we urge the public to help us in this mission.

Free fishing for Father’s Day weekend, June 16-17

Note: The dates listed for Father’s Day in the 2018 Fishing Regulations booklet are incorrect.

During Father’s Day weekend, everyone in Montana can fish for free.

While the promotion allows anyone to fish without a license on June 16-17, all other fishing rules and regulations are in effect and must be followed.

Anglers are asked to be aware of boating and water safety on Montana’s rivers and streams, particularly this year as many rivers across the state are still experiencing spring runoff and flood conditions. Additionally, those with watercraft of any kind must stop at all AIS inspection stations.

For water and boating safety tips, click on the Recreation tab at and choose your activity. For specific information on boating safety go to

For more information on AIS, including to locate your nearest inspection station, go to