Sunday, March 16, 2025

Russ Fagg is right choice for U.S. Senate

by Gov. Marc RacicotEt. Al.
| June 1, 2018 4:00 AM

Choosing our representatives to the nation’s highest legislative body is an important decision that deserves thoughtful consideration. Perhaps no time in recent history has public discourse been as divisive as it is today. For a state like Montana that prides itself in our hardworking, no-nonsense way of life, the circus of Washington D.C. leaves most of us disillusioned with our government. Fortunately, we have a choice for our next U.S. Senator that can bring statesmanship and sanity back to Congress.

Russ Fagg served the people of Montana for the last 22 years as a district court judge and served as a legislator prior to his time on the bench. Throughout this time, the fourth generation Montanan built a reputation as a fair and thoughtful steward of the law. He has near-unmatched experience with real-life hardships affecting those from all walks of life. He has lived in Montana his entire life, climbing peaks in the Beartooth Mountains, fishing our blue ribbon streams, and learning what it is Montanans truly care about. There is simply no substitute for Montana roots and values.

As former public servants ourselves, we understand some are better suited to public service than others. While there are a number of choices on the Republican ballot for the June 5 primary, Judge Fagg stands out as the best.

Montanans deserve more than a U.S. Senator whose top priority is climbing the political ladder. Montanans deserve more than a U.S. Senator who puts the party agenda and endorsements from D.C. insiders above Montana.

Montanans deserve a statesman.

Not only do we believe Judge Fagg is the only Republican candidate who can beat Jon Tester this fall, we wholeheartedly believe he is the right person for the job. Montanans deserve a thoughtful statesman representing their interests in the United States Senate. Judge Fagg is exactly the type of person we want to serve as our voice in Washington D.C.

When you go to the polls on June 5, we asked that you remember what is at stake. We need leaders in Congress who will fight for Montana, not party leadership and special interests. Judge Russ Fagg is exactly what we need to turn Washington around, and we humbly ask you vote for him to be our next United States Senator.

Marc Racicot is the former Governor of Montana, Stan Stephens is the former Governor of Montana, Denny Rehberg is a former Congressman from Montana, Rick Hill is a former Congressman from Montana.