Sunday, March 16, 2025

Fire restrictions start today

by The Western News
| July 27, 2018 4:00 AM

Because of increasing fire danger, Kootenai National Forest and the Libby area will enter Stage 1 fire restrictions Friday, July 27.

“Due to recent prolonged high temperatures, grasses and forest fuels are drying quickly,” states a news release from Montana DNRC. “Without any precipitation in the forecast, this trend will continue.”

Stage 1 fire restrictions prohibit: building, maintaining, attending or using a fire or campfire except with a developed recreation site or improved site; and smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three-feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.

“Northwest Montana saw 16 fires in the past week and all were human-caused including, illegal debris burning, dragging chains, campfires and cigarettes,” the news release states, adding the following reminders:

•Dragging trailer chains send sparks that may ignite fast-growing roadside fires. When pulling a trailer, adjust chains so they are not dragging.

•Never leave a campfire unattended. Use water and dirt to put out a campfire and do not leave until it is cold to the touch.

•Do not park vehicles in dry grass. Dry grass may ignite and cause a quickly growing wildfire.

•There is no debris burning allowed during fire season in northwest Montana.

In conjunction with the announcement, the Lincoln County Commission on Wednesday approved an emergency resolution prohibiting “the ignition of any open fire on any forest, range, cropland or county park, unless within the guidelines of the Stage 1 restriction procedures.”

Anyone guilty of lighting an open fire outside of the procedures “is guilty of a misdemeanor and may be required to reimbursement a fire protection agency for costs incurred for any [resulting] fire suppression activities.”

The prohibition is effective midnight Friday.

Learn more about current area fire restrictions at