Monday, March 17, 2025

Libby adopts Public Information Policy

by John Blodgett Western News
| July 20, 2018 4:00 AM

The Libby City Council on July 16 adopted a Public Information Policy that defines costs and other aspects regarding the disclosure of public documents.

The policy was based on one Lincoln County recently adopted, due to “its clarity, brevity and ease of implementation,” according to the City Council’s Ordinance Committee.

According to the policy, the city will charge .50 for the first page and .25 for each subsequent page of copied materials.

The policy also outlines a charge of $30 per hour, billable after the first 15 minutes, for a staff member’s “time to review, gather, or redact documents” that are outside what the staff member’s department is custodian of.

In addition, any time the city attorney spends reviewing a request will be charged at the rate of $225 an hour.

A city department may require advance payment of fees or time costs so long as it provides the person requesting information a written estimate, the policy states.

The policy also outlines what information the city will not release, including personnel, payroll and medical records or files and records pertaining to juveniles.

It also contains a form the public can use to request information.

The policy was adopted with a 5-0 vote. Council member Gary Beach was not present.