Monday, March 17, 2025

Comments sought for proposed road project west of Happys Inn

by The Western News
| July 17, 2018 4:00 AM

The Montana Department of Transportation seeks public comments on a proposal to resurface about 3.4 miles of U.S. Highway 2 west of Happys Inn.

The project begins 0.1 mile west of the junction with Old U.S. Highway 2 at reference post 65.6 and extends northeasterly for 3.4 miles, ending just west of McKillop Road at reference post 69.0, a news release states.

The proposed project includes repaving the existing roadway; applying chip seal and fog seal; upgrading pavement markings, signing and delineation; replacing guardrail; and adding centerline and shoulder rumble strips.

The project is tentatively scheduled for 2020, and will require no new right-of-way. The project will not likely require utility relocations.

For more information, please call 406-523-5802 or 406-444-6385. Comments can be made in writing and mailed to the Montana Department of Transportation Missoula office at P.O. Box 7039, Missoula, MT 59807-7039. Comments can also be made online at

Comments should refer to project UPN 9489000.

Other formats of this information will be provided upon request by contacting Alice Flesch, Human Resources and Occupational Safety Division, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620; 406-444-9229; TTY 800-335-7592; fax 406-444-7243; or