Monday, March 17, 2025

Health officials offer tips to prevent West Nile Virus infection

by The Western News
| July 13, 2018 4:00 AM

With West Nile Virus in season in Montana from July to October, the Department of Health and Human Services has released tips for preventing infection.

“The best way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases such as West Nile Virus, or any other mosquito-borne illness, is to protect yourself from mosquito bites,” states a news release from the department. “While mosquitoes found in Montana are unable to transmit other diseases like Zika virus, they are able to transmit West Nile Virus. The virus can also infect horses and birds, with birds serving as the source of infection for most mosquitoes who then pass the virus along to humans by biting them.”

Four out of five people infected with the virus will have no symptoms and will develop immunity after clearing the infection, the news release states. Those who do become ill typically have mild symptoms that may include headache, body aches, joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea or a rash. In 2017, eight such cases were reported in Montana.

More serious symptoms can occur in rare cases where serious infections develop in or around the brain, the news release states. Three such cases were reported in Montana in 2017.

Officials report that no deaths attributable to West Nile Virus were reported in 2017 in Montana, though deaths have been reported in previous years.

“No vaccine or specific treatment exists for a person at risk or ill with West Nile Virus,” the news release states. “If someone develops any of the symptoms listed above, they should see their healthcare provider for evaluation and care.”

A vaccine is available for horses, however, and recommended as eight cases of equine West Nile Virus were reported in Montana last year.

To reduce the chance of mosquito bites that could cause West Nile Virus, officials recommend the following:

•Use insect repellent such as DEET or picaridin.

•Drain standing water around your house to prevent mosquito breeding

•Because mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk, stay inside or take precautions to prevent mosquito bites during these times.

•When possible, wear long sleeved shirts and pants to protect from bites.

To learn more about West Nile Virus, visit