Monday, March 17, 2025

Bits n' pieces from east, west and beyond

Contributor | July 6, 2018 4:00 AM

East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling: reports that a U.K. university has found oleic acid in olive oil may stop the growth of brain tumors. Researchers also hope to learn how olive oil may enhance brain health.

The American Lung Association’s 2017 report says California has the nation’s worst air quality. That’s explained by a University California-Davis peer-reviewed study that indicates up to 40 percent of nitrous oxide emissions in the state are from agricultural fertilizers. A farm-raised study author said the findings show a need re-think fertilizer applications: 50 percent does not reach the intended crop.

Plastics can take over 400 years to degrade, says a study from University of Georgia. Currently, plastic manufacturing doubles every 15 years. A whale that recently washed up in Spain drew attention to the problem; it had 64 pounds of plastic in its intestines, including nets, ropes, and bags.

At 95 F, the temperature in a car can rise to 116 F after one hour, with surface temps over 120 F, according to research from Arizona State University. The impact on the body can include organ damage, seizures, vomiting, confusion and rapid breathing.

Fox News host Shep Smith recently shared with viewers the fact that many children separated from asylum-seeking parents at the border are too young to know the names of their parents. Some of their parents are illiterate and can’t spell their children’s names, further complicating the process of reuniting families.

Thyroid cancer has risen six percent annually since 1997, according to the American Cancer Society. Some believe the rise is due to better detection, but, as noted by Scientific American, stress, radiation and pollutants have been linked to developing thyroid problems. The non-profit Beyond Pesticides says 60 percent of today’s pesticides have been shown to affect production of T3 and T4 hormones.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker recently signed legislation for a $15 an hour minimum wage, including guaranteed paid family and medical leave.

A George W. Bush-appointed federal judge in California has ordered the federal government to reunite over 2000 children recently separated from their asylum-seeking parents. The orders are for children under age five to be returned within 14 days and older children within 30 days. The ACLU says the deadline is realistic. But as TIME magazine reports, the government has already returned some parents to their countries of origin, and bureaucratic hurdles, such as requirements for birth certificates, have caused delays that have furthered the families’ trauma.

Research from Americans for Tax Fairness says the Republican-approved tax breaks will amount to an average of $400 or less this year – and $51,000 for the top one percent. But the $400 gain is offset by a 22 percent hike in the price of gas, which will cost taxpayers over $400 annually. As well, the Congressional Budget Office had warned that removing part of the Affordable Care Act would result in premium hikes costing families $2000 a year.

Norilsk, Russia, the largest city built on permafrost, is experiencing close to 60 percent of buildings suffering damage from permafrost thaw; residents have had to abandon 10 percent of the city’s houses, according to In Alaska melting permafrost has led the town of Newtok to begin relocation to a safer site, with help from a federal grant.

The Spokesman-Review reports that federal crime stats show border seizures of cocaine, heroin, marijuana and meth have declined 25 percent between 2012 and 2017. As well, despite an increase in federal agents, the Border Patrol caught 80 percent fewer illegal aliens in 2017 as compared to 2000.

This past spring carbon dioxide levels (CO2) topped 410 ppm, the highest in human history, THE WEEK reported. In the 1700s, levels were at 280 ppm. Fossil fuel burning that accelerated after the Industrial Revolution began has fueled the CO2 proliferation, which traps heat. California’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography says that at the current rate of atmospheric accumulations the CO2 levels will be 500 ppm in 36 years. That last occurred 3 million years ago, when sea levels were 60 feet higher.

Beyond toys, ways to get more exercise for your cat, offered by veterinarian and on-line columnist Dr. Karen S. Becker: laser pointers, blowing bubbles, catnip, leashed walks, cat “trees,” and outdoor enclosures.

The World Economic Forum’s 2017 list of the top 10 countries with the most equitable pay between men and women: Iceland (best), Norway, Finland, Rwanda, Sweden, Nicaragua, Slovenia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the Philippines. The U.S. ranked 49th.

Blast from the past: “It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain.

Lorraine H. Marie is a writer based in Colville, Washington.