Saturday, March 15, 2025

Keep your lungs healthy while doing household chores

by Dusti L. Thompson
| January 30, 2018 3:00 AM

Did you know if you have an asbestos related disease that you shouldn’t use oven cleaners or other toxic cleaners, as these will irritate your already sensitive lungs? So what is a person to do? You are wise to be cautious about what you expose your lungs to, as this can greatly impact your health and your respiratory condition.

I’m sure you already know, that keeping your lungs as healthy as possible is the key to living as full and happy a life as possible. There are two main ways to go about solving your problem.

The first is to use a variety of non-toxic cleaners. For example, instead of using a store bought surface cleaner to clean counters, try using baking soda and for tough stains sprinkle a little vinegar on top of the baking soda. To make a non-abrasive cleaner for sinks and bathtubs combine ¼ cup baking soda and enough Murphy’s Oil soap to make a creamy paste.

And yes, there is even a non-toxic cleaner to combat that filthy oven. Sprinkle water on the grimy spots and then cover with baking soda. Repeat this process then let it sit overnight. The next day the grease and grime will wipe off, and then use liquid soap and water to sponge away any residue.

And here’s a new one to clean those hard to remove scuffmarks on the kitchen floor, wipe them away with grated onion. There are many other non-toxic cleaners to utilize in a variety of ways from air fresheners, to toilets, to wood furniture. A simple internet search will garner hundreds of thousands of homemade recipes to clean your house with.

Now for some people, not only do the toxic cleaners irritate their lungs, but also the physical activity of cleaning is difficult as it can take strong lungs to scrub, vacuum, clean, etc. It has been recognized that it is very common for people with ARD to struggle with household activities such as shoveling snow, chopping firewood and cleaning. At no cost to you, the Pilot Program can connect you with people who will be able to help for this type of situation. If this is the type of assistance you need, contact the CARD Clinic for more information.

Dusti L. Thompson is outreach specialist at the CARD Clinic.