Sunday, March 16, 2025

Doesn't President Trump have better things to do?

| January 5, 2018 9:14 AM

To the editor: I understand the President is going to have an awards show on Monday. He is giving awards to the “Fake” media.

Are you kidding me? Is this what he spends his time on? I can hear Sean Hannity now if Obama pulled something like this but don’t think you will hear anything but praise from him. I continue to be amazed at the amount of time the President spends tweeting about insignificant issues and when it is a significant issue, he usually takes the position of a bully, calling world and political leaders his pet “nicknames.”

I saw some tweets today where he has begun to refer to himself in the third person. I do believe he is becoming disconnected from reality. Isn’t there enough to be concerned about without constantly trying to prove how important and powerful he is. I have been worrying about this for a long time. We are as close to a thermonuclear war than we have been in 55 years and he calls the North Korean leader names. This is childish behavior which I am sure his base (now about 33 percent) loves but the rest of the world views as I do and is desperately hoping he will turn off Twitter.

I do not think President Trump understands the oath he took to “preserve, protect and defend” our Constitution. In fact, I don’t even think he has read the Constitution. I would bet he doesn’t know the Pledge of Allegiance.

I encourage all of you to look up “Red Skelton on the Pledge Of Allegiance” on Youtube. It will open your eyes to the real meaning of the Pledge. Please look it up.

I thank God I can write this without the threat of retaliation. Thank you, Founding Fathers.

—Russell Stilwell, Jr.
