Saturday, March 15, 2025

'They' live amongst us

| February 13, 2018 2:28 PM

To the editor:

I remember watching a movie in the 80s called “They Live” by John Carpenter, where the main actor stumbled upon these special glasses that allowed him to see the world as it really was — a world controlled and manipulated by alien beings.

In our world we need to take the warm and the fuzzy rose-colored glasses off so we can see the world as it really is. A world controlled and manipulated by luciferians, globalists and progressive liberals.

This deep state control mechanism has been in play for a very long time. So long that a lot of people have come to believe that this is just the way it is.

Breaking News! Not fake news. It’s not.

The truth is on a mission and their New World Order agenda 21 goal is in serious jeopardy. They’re in panic mode. Insanity has no logic. They’re going to try to do whatever it takes to keep the curtain closed. But, thanks to whistleblowers and good American patriots, their days are numbered. As the curtain opens we’re now finding out the real collusion was not between President Donald Trump and the Russians, but, it’s looking more like it was actually between the F.B.I., D.O.J. and the Clinton campaign to keep President Trump out of the White House. Using a fake dossier, paid by the Clinton campaign to get a F.I.S.A. warrant to spy on Trump campaign. This makes Watergate look like child’s play. The F.B.I is supposed to be unbiased. Lady Justice has a blindfold on, but, for Hillary she had one eye open, with a wink!

Hillary was being protested. Why? She was supposed to be the next President of the United States chosen by the elites. It would have been business and corruption as usual, and, the New World agenda 21 program would have been unstoppable.

President Trump and a growing awakening population is now in their way. The ongoing war between good and evil is playing out. With many weapons at their disposal — HAARP, chem trails, sonic frequency, E.M.P., death ray, blue beam, biological warfare, would they use them? The more they’re exposed the threat lessens.

Hope for the best. Be prepared for the worst.

—Dan Misiuk
