Saturday, March 15, 2025

Republic or democracy?

| August 31, 2018 4:00 AM

The United States of America, nearly 250 years old, seems to have forgotten what the founders, who designed the constitution, labeled this country as. We are a republic, not a democracy.

According to the Webster dictionary, a republic is a state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by the representatives elected by them, while a democracy is a government by the people, either directly or through elected representatives; a majority rule, with the acceptance and practice of the principle of equality of rights, opportunity and treatment.

The difference between the two is that in a republic, citizens are entitled to vote while in a democracy, the majority rules.

The growing liberal movement in this country is destroying our republic with their open borders and lawlessness ideology. The democratic party seems to be going farther and father left. Socialism and open border policies look to be their platform in the upcoming November elections. Pushing sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants to vote is just crazy.

Socialism doesn’t work. Never did. Never will. History proves it. It’s all warm and fuzzy until you run out of other people’s money.

Ronald Reagan once said if fascism ever comes to America it will come in the form of liberalism. We need to wake up and understand before we’re at the point of no return.

Being pushed and fueled by the global elites, like the George Soros of the world, many people are being used as pawns to usher in their new world order agenda 21 insane programs.

Their plan is being derailed now by a growing awakening and the election of Donald J. Trump. In panic mode, but not out we must keep the pressure on and send their liberal insanity back where it came from.

I believe the United States of America, as a republic, is worth saving. The founders are counting on us.

—Daniel Misiuk
