Saturday, March 15, 2025

Become a volunteer

| August 31, 2018 4:00 AM

To the wonderful people of Libby, Troy, and Eureka, we live in an area of the United States that most people would die for. What brings this feeling to us are the communities we live in, and these communities have needs that are satisfied by many volunteers.

It has come to our attention that many of the volunteer groups are struggling to maintain levels of volunteers to handle the “work load” of these communities.

I can tell you from personal experience that being a volunteer on the City of Libby and Rural District No. 1 fire departments has filled me with great memories and great sorrow. I spent 28 years on the department, 13 as a firefighter, 13 as an assistant chief/training office and two as chief. Those were very memorable and great years.

By writing this letter, my hope is that I might stir an interest in some of you to become volunteers for a fire department, ambulance service or David Thompson Search and Rescue in the communities of Libby, Troy and Eureka.

Don’t be scared of what you might be getting into. We who have volunteered in the past all had that thought. You will be trained and taught what to do as we all were. It doesn’t come all at once, but the knowledge will come.

Step up and ask a volunteer what it’s like. Ask to join a meeting to see what happens. If you do decide to join one of these organizations, it won’t take long and you will thank yourself for doing so. There will be many other people thanking you also.

—Ken Preston

Retired LVFD chief
